I currently use a set rotation for my dps, and its sorta like:
Cons, Judge Wis, CS, DS, Exo if art of war proccd, holy wrath if told to, hammer of wrath if below 20%, CS whenever its off, cd, rinse and repeat.
I get around 6k dps raid buffed. I am geared for icc 25, almost even green for icc 10, so I dont think im doing enough dps.
Here's a wow heroes of me:
http://wow-heroes.com/index.php?zone=us ... me=Garneth
Im expertise capped, hit capped, and gemmed correctly. the only bad thing is the leather boots, but the enchants on them are good so until i find something adequate thats plate, ima keep em.
My spec is here:
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-tale ... BlackLotus
Its a good raid spec, so i dont think its wrong.
So what I need is:
Correct Rotation
Good UI
Actual Help not just a not so helpful response
Possibly a macro tho i dont think thatd work
Ret Paladin Spec/Rotation?
Ret Paladin Spec/Rotation?
- Posts: 1
Re: Ret Paladin Spec/Rotation?
- Posts: 6
For your gearset, 6k DPS (tank and spank) is not terrible. However, that being said, several things pop out to me.
1. You are WAY over hit cap and WAY over exp. cap. Dropping one or maybe even both of your trinkets for more favorable options will yield you better DPS output. The Pyrite Infuser and Mark of Supremacy are more or less wasted by taking them in an overcapped gear-set because their primary value IS their hit rating. Even Mirror of Truth would be an upgrade over PI. I think one of your first gear priorities would be to replace these two trinkets that are more or less just taking up space.
2. Your STR is rather low. Because Ret Palas scale much better with higher levels of STR than other melee classes, attaining higher DPS numbers is merely a matter of time as you acquire more gear. However, on the same note, you should regem your shoulders away from the AP/Stam gem because STR is a better scalar for your class. As Ret, ONLY GEM STR unless you need to fill socket bonus, in that case go with Nightmare Tear and Inscribed Ametrines. Much higher geared Rets will often choose to go with higher crit once their raid-buff STR reaches a certain level, however that isn't something to worry about until you are fully stocked in ICC gear (just as a rough indicator of gear score).
3. Your enchants are not optimal. You don't have Berserking on your weapon, your gloves are missing +44 AP (you took +35) and your shoulders need to be 40AP/15 Crit (you have the lesser Hodir rep ench). The small things really do add up.
4. Your rotation is somewhat off. Ret paladins do not go by a strict rotation in the sense that they use a priority rotation in which certain abilities take precedence over others. You should never be using Exo if Judgement, DS, or CS are up... for example. Here's a link to a set that lays out the priorities for Rets very simply.
I think in general, just tightening up your understanding of stat weights and gearing yourself might help you get better numbers. For the most part though, 6k in your gear isn't anything to be ashamed of, and it can only get better. I'd really make a concerted effort to get the T10 2pc. for starters; upgrading your T9 will help a lot.
1. You are WAY over hit cap and WAY over exp. cap. Dropping one or maybe even both of your trinkets for more favorable options will yield you better DPS output. The Pyrite Infuser and Mark of Supremacy are more or less wasted by taking them in an overcapped gear-set because their primary value IS their hit rating. Even Mirror of Truth would be an upgrade over PI. I think one of your first gear priorities would be to replace these two trinkets that are more or less just taking up space.
2. Your STR is rather low. Because Ret Palas scale much better with higher levels of STR than other melee classes, attaining higher DPS numbers is merely a matter of time as you acquire more gear. However, on the same note, you should regem your shoulders away from the AP/Stam gem because STR is a better scalar for your class. As Ret, ONLY GEM STR unless you need to fill socket bonus, in that case go with Nightmare Tear and Inscribed Ametrines. Much higher geared Rets will often choose to go with higher crit once their raid-buff STR reaches a certain level, however that isn't something to worry about until you are fully stocked in ICC gear (just as a rough indicator of gear score).
3. Your enchants are not optimal. You don't have Berserking on your weapon, your gloves are missing +44 AP (you took +35) and your shoulders need to be 40AP/15 Crit (you have the lesser Hodir rep ench). The small things really do add up.
4. Your rotation is somewhat off. Ret paladins do not go by a strict rotation in the sense that they use a priority rotation in which certain abilities take precedence over others. You should never be using Exo if Judgement, DS, or CS are up... for example. Here's a link to a set that lays out the priorities for Rets very simply.
I think in general, just tightening up your understanding of stat weights and gearing yourself might help you get better numbers. For the most part though, 6k in your gear isn't anything to be ashamed of, and it can only get better. I'd really make a concerted effort to get the T10 2pc. for starters; upgrading your T9 will help a lot.
2 posts -