Hi Fraggoji,
I have already killed Garrosh on normal so my question will be how to optimize tanking rather than how to tank.
Little bit about how we do it:
I start off by tanking Garrosh whilst the off-tank picks up adds and brings them to Garrosh. Eventually my Vengance takes over and i get all adds on me.
This causes huge problems as i find my self taking crap ton of damage, specially during Warsong. I try to manage my cooldowns, but i always find myself at the edge of being killed, barely making it out. I have come to the conclusion that since we stack haste, self healing and cd management is the way to go as we practically have no CTC at the level of gear i'm at.
Do you have some tips regarding the Garrosh fight in regards to tanking it as a Paladin? Do you also end up taking all the adds + boss, or do you go for a single target rotation letting the adds stay on the off tank?
If you do it like I do it, how do you keep yourself on a safe HP level?
Here is my armory link:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... gro/simple
Here is my WoL link from last night:
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-os8k2 ... etails/15/
Feel free to also comment on other fuckups(excuse my french) i've made if you see any and have time to comment on them. Thanks in advance.
Question to Fraggoji - Tanking Garrosh
Re: Question to Fraggoji - Tanking Garrosh
- Posts: 45
has been a while since I last killed Garrosh on normal. On our farm kills the adds don't really do much anymore so can't really give tips based on my personal play. You have a pretty high ilvl for normal Garrosh so things should go pretty smoothly though I can imagine tanking the adds + boss after Warsong without cooldowns would still hurt as you said.
The one tanking the boss will always end up with the higher vengeance so naturally that tank will pull aggro on the adds eventually. I think the simple solution there is just having the other tank taunting of Garrosh after that happens if you don't have enough cooldowns to survive taking all the heat, with the extra aggro from taunt this should be easy enough.
As far as other tips go I noticed you have the retri tierchest, protection pieces are quite well itemized this tier and the prot 4p is pretty sweet especially with Divine purpose so I think you should aim for that. I wouldn't really use Hand of Purity for any fights either as Unbreakable Spirit is really strong from that tier of talents.
has been a while since I last killed Garrosh on normal. On our farm kills the adds don't really do much anymore so can't really give tips based on my personal play. You have a pretty high ilvl for normal Garrosh so things should go pretty smoothly though I can imagine tanking the adds + boss after Warsong without cooldowns would still hurt as you said.
The one tanking the boss will always end up with the higher vengeance so naturally that tank will pull aggro on the adds eventually. I think the simple solution there is just having the other tank taunting of Garrosh after that happens if you don't have enough cooldowns to survive taking all the heat, with the extra aggro from taunt this should be easy enough.
As far as other tips go I noticed you have the retri tierchest, protection pieces are quite well itemized this tier and the prot 4p is pretty sweet especially with Divine purpose so I think you should aim for that. I wouldn't really use Hand of Purity for any fights either as Unbreakable Spirit is really strong from that tier of talents.
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