@ Iiris
Hey Sir,
just a quick word.
I cannot decide whether to use Bryntoll Heroic or Bloodfall Heroic.
I know spreadsheets saying that Bloodfall is better, but I´m not the biggest fan of agility.
Right now I only have 39% crit unbuffed (and 5.9k ap) and while dpsing, I thinks it`s kinda too low.
Bloodfall also gives me more passive stats, such as mfkn badass crit and haste, which scales with your autohit, seals and TaJ (using that one).
So I just came by to ask you, what you would use if you had a choice.
Thanks Sir, I appreciate whatever you will be answering.
Paladin discussion
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 5
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 118
Hi Vyse!
I would use the one which is better, in this case Bloodfall. I dont have it because I had Bryntroll at the time we got Bloodfalls and our feral druids wanted those weapons so it was better raidwise to "pass" them to our druids. It doesnt matter how much crit or ap you have if the items are itemized correctly (and you dont hit crit cap which is kinda hard). Im going for Str items myself because agi items become useless at 4.0, some may think this is stupid reason but we have rogues and ferals who want the leather and those str pieces arent much worser than their leather counterparts, I think the difference between full plate setup and mixed leather/plate setups was around 100-150dps in BiS.
I would use the one which is better, in this case Bloodfall. I dont have it because I had Bryntroll at the time we got Bloodfalls and our feral druids wanted those weapons so it was better raidwise to "pass" them to our druids. It doesnt matter how much crit or ap you have if the items are itemized correctly (and you dont hit crit cap which is kinda hard). Im going for Str items myself because agi items become useless at 4.0, some may think this is stupid reason but we have rogues and ferals who want the leather and those str pieces arent much worser than their leather counterparts, I think the difference between full plate setup and mixed leather/plate setups was around 100-150dps in BiS.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 1
Hi Iiris,
at the moment i have 21 expertise with glyph. Is it worth to socket expertise gem to reach the cap?
Another question:
Do you use wings every on cooldown (3 mins)?
And how do you use wings, if bloodlust comes after 4 or 5 mins? Are you waiting or keep it on cooldown?
at the moment i have 21 expertise with glyph. Is it worth to socket expertise gem to reach the cap?
Another question:
Do you use wings every on cooldown (3 mins)?
And how do you use wings, if bloodlust comes after 4 or 5 mins? Are you waiting or keep it on cooldown?
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 118
Hello Peri
Rawr says str gems are better than exprtise gems but you should socket for expertise if you dont want your attacks to dodge.
I use my wings every cd (cd is 2min for ret btw :P), you shouldnt wait too much with them so you dont lose one opportunity to use them. If you know the fight length you can try to time them with other procs/bloodlust. For example, if you know the fight length is 3min50sec-4min you wont be getting more than 2 wings in this fight so you might aswell wait at the start to stack up your libram and sov stacks before you use them and then use second ones when you lust but if you know fight will last like 4min20sec you should use your wings right off the start so you can get your third wings at the end.
Rawr says str gems are better than exprtise gems but you should socket for expertise if you dont want your attacks to dodge.
I use my wings every cd (cd is 2min for ret btw :P), you shouldnt wait too much with them so you dont lose one opportunity to use them. If you know the fight length you can try to time them with other procs/bloodlust. For example, if you know the fight length is 3min50sec-4min you wont be getting more than 2 wings in this fight so you might aswell wait at the start to stack up your libram and sov stacks before you use them and then use second ones when you lust but if you know fight will last like 4min20sec you should use your wings right off the start so you can get your third wings at the end.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 1
Hi today I spoke to one player in guild about weapon enchanting. Mongoose vs Blood Draining. I don´t know what is better. To this day, I thought that mongoose is one of the best enchant for pala tank. Because
+240 armor ,2,3% crit , 1,2% dodge and some agillity
but Blood Draining is stacking buff (5 stack max) and if tank is under 35% HP enchant heals him ->
1 stack: 360 - 440 heal
2 stack: 720 - 880 heal
3 stack: 1080 - 1320 heal
4 stack: 1440 - 1760 heal
5 stack: 1800 - 2200 heal
he can´t crit and spell power doesn't stack
is there something wrong? because 2,2k heal under 35% is too low.
and i have a next question ... it's about trinket ... I have very old trinket http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45158 because it has stamina and USE can increase dodge about 5,36%, but does it make sense to replace it to this http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50356 ? or to wait for this http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50344 ? but somebody says that this trinket has problem with stacking, is it true?
+240 armor ,2,3% crit , 1,2% dodge and some agillity
but Blood Draining is stacking buff (5 stack max) and if tank is under 35% HP enchant heals him ->
1 stack: 360 - 440 heal
2 stack: 720 - 880 heal
3 stack: 1080 - 1320 heal
4 stack: 1440 - 1760 heal
5 stack: 1800 - 2200 heal
he can´t crit and spell power doesn't stack
is there something wrong? because 2,2k heal under 35% is too low.
and i have a next question ... it's about trinket ... I have very old trinket http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45158 because it has stamina and USE can increase dodge about 5,36%, but does it make sense to replace it to this http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50356 ? or to wait for this http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50344 ? but somebody says that this trinket has problem with stacking, is it true?
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 2
Hello Diamondtear,
I have a question on Divine Plea. I spam heals like crazy and usually use it 2 or 3 times a fight at times where I think it is the safest. (plea+divine illum and plea+wings). On lich king a paladin in my guild said "nice, I didnt use divine plea at all that time, im good at conserving mana" (on a 50% wipe) I told him he didn't heal enough then. I double his healing every attempt.
Am I wrong? He said I am going to want to learn to not use it so much on Heroic 25's.
Thank you in advance. <3
I have a question on Divine Plea. I spam heals like crazy and usually use it 2 or 3 times a fight at times where I think it is the safest. (plea+divine illum and plea+wings). On lich king a paladin in my guild said "nice, I didnt use divine plea at all that time, im good at conserving mana" (on a 50% wipe) I told him he didn't heal enough then. I double his healing every attempt.
Am I wrong? He said I am going to want to learn to not use it so much on Heroic 25's.
Thank you in advance. <3
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 2
Hello, and congrats on your kill!.
Just a brief few questions if its not too much trouble :)
I allways wish to be competative and do the very best i can in any encounter and will go to any length to try to improve my char in anyway possible, i am doing around 11.2kdps in our 25s and i feel like i have it the wall in pushing out more damage (obv depends on the encounter).
(i will be getting 3 more sanctified over the next week or two, other then that any reccomendations or anything you can see i have missed?
this is me:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... revelation
Also i am the chosen member in my guild to recieve the legendery and im in the process of shard collecting, i hear from some sites that haste will become even more important and that herkmul war totem + taj will be best in slot trinkets for hammering ramp time on the axe/trinket
what is your opinion? will haste be better then STR and how would it effect your gem choices?
Also should i buy the war totem and even consider dropping BS for ENG for the glove haste enchant?
thankyou for your time and for reading my post.
Kind regards
Revelation of Seven Sins Genjuros EU
Just a brief few questions if its not too much trouble :)
I allways wish to be competative and do the very best i can in any encounter and will go to any length to try to improve my char in anyway possible, i am doing around 11.2kdps in our 25s and i feel like i have it the wall in pushing out more damage (obv depends on the encounter).
(i will be getting 3 more sanctified over the next week or two, other then that any reccomendations or anything you can see i have missed?
this is me:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... revelation
Also i am the chosen member in my guild to recieve the legendery and im in the process of shard collecting, i hear from some sites that haste will become even more important and that herkmul war totem + taj will be best in slot trinkets for hammering ramp time on the axe/trinket
what is your opinion? will haste be better then STR and how would it effect your gem choices?
Also should i buy the war totem and even consider dropping BS for ENG for the glove haste enchant?
thankyou for your time and for reading my post.
Kind regards
Revelation of Seven Sins Genjuros EU
Last edited by Revelation on 27 Mar 2010 13:48, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 2
@ Iiris
First gratz on your 25 man heroic LK first kill, was pretty aewsome.
I have a question.
This is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Herebo
Well, since its prety hard for me to get Deaths Veredecit these days, my question is, its the Frost trincket [Herkuml War Token] worht it over Darkmoon Card: Greatness? since ill be losing 90 str static, for Haste wich isint a top priority stat for ret pally.
I do 10 man ICC, and we are at heroic mode at this moment. (dont do 25 at the moment, and if i did, i know the professor trincket its prety aewsome)
Wich leave me with the question
Use [Whispering Fanged Skull] x2 (normal and heroic mode) or [Whispering Fanged Skull] and [Herkuml War Token]. Or neither and use [Whispering Fanged Skull] with Darkmoon card: Greatness?
Im crazy with this question over my head, and wonder if you can help me with it.
Thnx anyway.
(about my hit rating at 7 % i count with the draenei buff in my raid)
First gratz on your 25 man heroic LK first kill, was pretty aewsome.
I have a question.
This is my armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Herebo
Well, since its prety hard for me to get Deaths Veredecit these days, my question is, its the Frost trincket [Herkuml War Token] worht it over Darkmoon Card: Greatness? since ill be losing 90 str static, for Haste wich isint a top priority stat for ret pally.
I do 10 man ICC, and we are at heroic mode at this moment. (dont do 25 at the moment, and if i did, i know the professor trincket its prety aewsome)
Wich leave me with the question
Use [Whispering Fanged Skull] x2 (normal and heroic mode) or [Whispering Fanged Skull] and [Herkuml War Token]. Or neither and use [Whispering Fanged Skull] with Darkmoon card: Greatness?
Im crazy with this question over my head, and wonder if you can help me with it.
Thnx anyway.
(about my hit rating at 7 % i count with the draenei buff in my raid)
Last edited by Herebo on 27 Mar 2010 18:15, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 1
Hey diamondtear,
#1: here is my armory, http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... cn=Amahrix
#2 Is it worth gemming the sp/int and int/mp5 gems to pure 20intel (if i regem to ALL intel, I would get around <1900mana back with the bracer enchant) just for a extra holy light or 2, and lose around 115sp.
#3 What is the best way to conserve mana it seems everytime i cast holy light even with the Libram of Renewal It seems to take a chunk of my mana away sadly.
Anything I can do to improve this, also do you cast HL on targets 80%+ HP or just those under 80%.
Thank you!
#1: here is my armory, http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... cn=Amahrix
#2 Is it worth gemming the sp/int and int/mp5 gems to pure 20intel (if i regem to ALL intel, I would get around <1900mana back with the bracer enchant) just for a extra holy light or 2, and lose around 115sp.
#3 What is the best way to conserve mana it seems everytime i cast holy light even with the Libram of Renewal It seems to take a chunk of my mana away sadly.
Anything I can do to improve this, also do you cast HL on targets 80%+ HP or just those under 80%.
Thank you!