There is nothing wrong with your spec, you could probably try to replace one of your expertise parts with something else to get you near 16 expertise. You shouldnt stress too much about leather parts, usually they are better/as good as plate parts if they have proper stats in them and have higher ilvl, when they have same ilvl then you might need to look it up from some spreasheet or program like Rawr if it really is an upgrade.
This is really good question and I bet many rets have hard times here since you have to switch targets a lot and keep those stacks running! That is one of the key things you have to do if you want to make good dps on this boss. When I switch to oozes I always keep up my stacks on Putricide, try to get the knockback from green ooze towards Professor and give him one hit to refresh the stack, the orange one is bit different but all I can say is try to give Professor one hit before your stack is about to drop if he is being tanked nearby. And about the gas, I just try to move in place where the gas wont drop when the timer nears the end, even hitting the boss in the face is better than risking to get gased and as far as I know the boss shouldnt have parryhaste. I was around 12-15 here too at our first kills but I think was top5 last time so its definitely possible to rise from the bottom ranks as ret! =)
You could try to replace your chest with the tier10 one and your boots with the leather boots from Marrowgar25, the plate ones from Lady Deathwhisper25 or the leather boots from Blood Princes10. Even though armorpene is the worst stat for ret it is not useless actually its better now than before because of the tier10 set bonus which makes you hit more Divine Storms = more damage that is affected by armorpene and you shouldnt ditch gear with armorpene just because it has it, there are many great items with armorpene.
Paladin discussion
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 118
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 317
ZlamzarN wrote:Got a question to the Holy palas out there! I cant make up my mind if i should stick with Talisman of Resurgence (128 intellect) or Solace of the fallen ( Toc 25 normal, lord jaraxus) What trinket do you find the best This is my current stats http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... gul%C3%A4r
Solace of the fallen. Btw, run speed increase (your metagem and tuskarr) don't stack.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 4
Hello, im a ret having thinking of changing cape atm i have http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50467
But since i got 21 expertise and i remove the cape i get 16 and with glyph i would be capped. so should i change the cape to agi one? http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50470 i would gain lots of crit but lose like 100 ap? is that worth it?
Thanks for fast answer ;)
But since i got 21 expertise and i remove the cape i get 16 and with glyph i would be capped. so should i change the cape to agi one? http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50470 i would gain lots of crit but lose like 100 ap? is that worth it?
Thanks for fast answer ;)
Last edited by Jokke on 03 Apr 2010 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 118
Jokke wrote:Hello, im a ret having thinking of changing cape atm i have http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50467
But since i got 21 expertise and i remove the cape i get 16 and with glyph i would be capped. so should i change the cape to agi one? http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50470 i would gain lots of crit but lose like 100 ap? is that worth it?
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 9
Thanks so much, im actually savin for the t10 chest. I'm savin for the crafted boots too.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 3
Back again Iiris. This time about hit raiting.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =Scepticle
With that gear I am over hit cap. But if I swap my wepon for Shadow's edge and Trinket for WFS. I'll be under. There is a chance I can get TAJ within the next 3 weeks. So should I wait and switch my Mark out for TAJ or get WFS and change my gear around so I'm above hit cap again?
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =Scepticle
With that gear I am over hit cap. But if I swap my wepon for Shadow's edge and Trinket for WFS. I'll be under. There is a chance I can get TAJ within the next 3 weeks. So should I wait and switch my Mark out for TAJ or get WFS and change my gear around so I'm above hit cap again?
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 2
DiamondTear wrote:ZlamzarN wrote:Got a question to the Holy palas out there! I cant make up my mind if i should stick with Talisman of Resurgence (128 intellect) or Solace of the fallen ( Toc 25 normal, lord jaraxus) What trinket do you find the best This is my current stats http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... gul%C3%A4r
Solace of the fallen. Btw, run speed increase (your metagem and tuskarr) don't stack.
OK thx, i only had that meta gem in my pvp gear, thx anyways ;)
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 5
Is there a crit cap for a ret paladin? I don't think so but I think you wanna try for 30%+, correct me if I am wrong.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 118
You should definitely change your weapon to Shadow's Edge since you are so much over hit cap, actually rawr says swapping both would be the best dps but you would be 2% under hit cap so if you dont like that, just swap the weapon. Try to get other items with hit/expertise on them to make nice combination of gear. Being 140 rating over hit cap isnt that nice.
Melee crit cap is 71.2% which is kinda hard to reach as paladin since we dont get agi procs from stuff like rogues for example.
You should definitely change your weapon to Shadow's Edge since you are so much over hit cap, actually rawr says swapping both would be the best dps but you would be 2% under hit cap so if you dont like that, just swap the weapon. Try to get other items with hit/expertise on them to make nice combination of gear. Being 140 rating over hit cap isnt that nice.
Melee crit cap is 71.2% which is kinda hard to reach as paladin since we dont get agi procs from stuff like rogues for example.
Re: Paladin discussion
- Posts: 5
Thanks a lot for your help.
One last thing, if you wouldn't mind, could you suggest anything I could do to squeeze a bit more DPS whether it be gemming, enchants, etc.?
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... n=Lichgirl
One last thing, if you wouldn't mind, could you suggest anything I could do to squeeze a bit more DPS whether it be gemming, enchants, etc.?
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... n=Lichgirl