I'm having great difficulty staying alive on Yor'shaj hc.
As a pala tank I'm having major issues. I literally take so much spike damage even from 2 stacks from his dot that i'm dying unless I get spam healed. It's even worse when he's melee hitting me along side the dot ticking.
Yet our DK tank can take 5 stacks and actually live with ease.
I'm having to chain cds after I hit 2 stacks, like guardian on first and DP on second.
I'm glyphed etc for DP and here's my armoury:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... y/advanced
Am I undergeared? Is my spec wrong? Am I gemmed wrong? Should I be running double stam trinkets to counter the spikes?
Literally I'm baffled. It's gotten to the point where the DK tank taunts off me at 2 stacks on every ooze combo.
I even checked to see if I was running full prot gear. Morchok + Warlord hit like faggots compared to Yor'shaj and it's just a dot tick and application!
Would really appreciate a reply Lazeil, or any other prot pala that has experience with this boss.
Lazeil, require Yor'sahj HC help!
Re: Lazeil, require Yor'sahj HC help!
- Posts: 28
Lazeil stopped playing
He starts education soon and will not have the time to raid on this level anymore
He starts education soon and will not have the time to raid on this level anymore
Re: Lazeil, require Yor'sahj HC help!
- Posts: 54
this fight is where dk tanks come in handy! they have multiple cd's most of which have short cooldowns such as AMS and VB, and with the 4pc bonus that helps alot during fights like yorsahj and zon'ozz hc! But ALL tanks should be able to tank a boss on hc there shouldnt be any tank class that cant do it so im not sure. Also im at school atm so i cant look at your armory but will do when i get home a good ilvl for hcs would probably be about 393+ but i will be home in about an hour so all good will have a look
Re: Lazeil, require Yor'sahj HC help!
- Posts: 2
Thanks for the update on Lazeil.
Also, thanks very much :) Look forward to your reply when you get back
Also, thanks very much :) Look forward to your reply when you get back
Re: Lazeil, require Yor'sahj HC help!
- Posts: 3
I had same issues with my prot pala. 1st of all 80% dmg on thos ecounter is magic damage so in my opinion block cap is useless. Get tol barad trinket, glyph for dp as u said, gem pure stamina, get a prismatic elixir, word of glory glyph like u have, guarded by the light talent. On each setup of oozes you have: trinket, holy shield, divine protection and
should be able to heal yourself 2-3 times. Sometimes I even cap holy power and dont use shield/heal/inq just waiting for a good moment to heal [ spike dmg, too high stacks from purple ooze because wog doesnt stack this]. You can't use GOAK, Ardent, LOH on every setup so use them smart. It also depends on what strategy u use. We always kill yellow>black because I couldnt survive yellow, and black to get bigger uptime on boss for our dps. When we get green, red, yellow, black We kill yellow then stack on boss in 4y spread use bloodlust and chaining raid cd's just to get pass this.
should be able to heal yourself 2-3 times. Sometimes I even cap holy power and dont use shield/heal/inq just waiting for a good moment to heal [ spike dmg, too high stacks from purple ooze because wog doesnt stack this]. You can't use GOAK, Ardent, LOH on every setup so use them smart. It also depends on what strategy u use. We always kill yellow>black because I couldnt survive yellow, and black to get bigger uptime on boss for our dps. When we get green, red, yellow, black We kill yellow then stack on boss in 4y spread use bloodlust and chaining raid cd's just to get pass this.
5 posts -