Hi guys.
I usually play a Restoration Druid.
However I also have two Palaadin tanks.
I've been having a few discussions with other paladin tanks and was interested in posing a few questions to you guys.
The other Paladins that I've tanked with or have tanked for me all believe that the most efficient way of Paladin tanking is to hit whatever cooldown is up.
However I use a rotation, 8 6 9 6. Basically I head in, Avengers Shield, if its a whole bunch of mobs Ill throw down a consecration, if not I hold out on that, begin with a Holy Shield, then (depending on AOE or Single target) use (Hammer of the righteous/Shield of righteousness), Judgment, (Hammer/Shield). If its single target I throw down my consecrate here.
I was just wondering if there was any specific way that a Paladin in your guild tanked and if yo would not mind sharing your information :)
Thanks a bunch guys !
(You can find my builds on Horde characters from Jubei'Thos Galf and Gaydr if you wish to see them ! Thanks <3 )
On US - Jubei'Thos
Paladin Tanking.
Paladin Tanking.
- Posts: 2
Re: Paladin Tanking.
- Posts: 1
I open with: (Devo Aura, GBoS, SoCorruption/SoVengeance, RF, Sacred Shield, Divine Plea) Hand of Reckoning, Exorcism, Avenger's Shield, Judgement of Wisdom/Light, Holy Shield, Shield of Righteousness, Hammer of the Righteous, Consecration. Then 96969.
Yes opening with 9,9,6,6,9 isn't the best for cool downs, but with the range of the first 4 spells you can (if you back peddle) get off the Holy Shield just before they reach you and then straight in with the high threat of SoR. This of course only works if you're pulling the boss to you.
When running towards: (Devo Aura, GBoS, SoCorruption/SoVengeance, RF, Sacred Shield, Divine Plea) Holy Shield, Hand of Reckoning, Avenger's Shield, Shield of Righteousness 96969.
Often I'll pop Avenging Wrath when I get into melee if there'll be no Blood Lust/Heroism, or if the burst damage of my dpsers is high.
Spec+Glyphs: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#sZV0tAbu ... hbh:pNGmcV
Obviously you weren't looking for an answer from me, but from a tank in Paragon, but it's just something you may want to consider. X
Yes opening with 9,9,6,6,9 isn't the best for cool downs, but with the range of the first 4 spells you can (if you back peddle) get off the Holy Shield just before they reach you and then straight in with the high threat of SoR. This of course only works if you're pulling the boss to you.
When running towards: (Devo Aura, GBoS, SoCorruption/SoVengeance, RF, Sacred Shield, Divine Plea) Holy Shield, Hand of Reckoning, Avenger's Shield, Shield of Righteousness 96969.
Often I'll pop Avenging Wrath when I get into melee if there'll be no Blood Lust/Heroism, or if the burst damage of my dpsers is high.
Spec+Glyphs: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#sZV0tAbu ... hbh:pNGmcV
Obviously you weren't looking for an answer from me, but from a tank in Paragon, but it's just something you may want to consider. X
Re: Paladin Tanking.
- Posts: 2
An answer from you is fine sir :)
I should of mentioned I usually have things like that also, however I never do use Exorcism although I probly should when pulling. I often just HoR pull.
I should of mentioned I usually have things like that also, however I never do use Exorcism although I probly should when pulling. I often just HoR pull.
Re: Paladin Tanking.
- Posts: 3
http://www.wowhead.com/talent#sZV0tAbuM ... x0c:pNGmcV
nerv would you think this would be better considering your build did yes gernerate a 6% crit. but you could have a 5% and have the 3% increased damage, also causing a 1.5% increace in threat. also alowing your seals to generate an aditional 1.5% so in theory you generate a combined 3% from seal bonus damage and ability damage threat. to me this seems more effective.
nerv would you think this would be better considering your build did yes gernerate a 6% crit. but you could have a 5% and have the 3% increased damage, also causing a 1.5% increace in threat. also alowing your seals to generate an aditional 1.5% so in theory you generate a combined 3% from seal bonus damage and ability damage threat. to me this seems more effective.
Re: Paladin Tanking.
- Posts: 1
didnt want to make new thread so used old one for asking that does "Judgements of the Just" slow raid bosses aswell? maybe stupid question while everybody using talent but wanted to make sure :)
edit: also is that 32sta+ 2% reduced magic dmg anygood to icc or is that 2% more armor just that much better?
edit: also is that 32sta+ 2% reduced magic dmg anygood to icc or is that 2% more armor just that much better?
5 posts -