Trinket Use For Hpally in 10s If You Can [email protected] Holys
Trinket Use For Hpally in 10s If You Can [email protected] Holys
- Posts: 2
Hi Guys I Appreciate the Help in advance I Was wondering about maxing my hps and figured You guys could give me a hand. Ive tested it and still dont have an answer. I have reg jaws of defeat and tsunami card atm for my trinkets. I looked into it and saw that the 2 rep trinkets from Avengers of Hyjal had intel increases. Im also and engineer with gloves with intell. both that spirit intel increase trinket rune of zeth and my gloves can be popped back to back. Until i get heroic alyz and jaws or shard of woe, do i use those 2 avenger trinkets when i can always have an intell increase up with some good off stats with 10 sec down period or do i stick to my reg intel trinkets? I also have a choice of Tyrandes favorite doll or that egg from halloween over tsunami card. Any Advice For Me would be great. :)
Re: Trinket Use For Hpally in 10s If You Can [email protected] Ho
- Posts: 317
IIRC tyrande's is better than tsunami. Don't worry about it too much, they're only trinkets.
Re: Trinket Use For Hpally in 10s If You Can [email protected] Ho
- Posts: 2
Is there a Certain Crit Cap for 10 heroics for Us? cause i heard something about we have to keep our secondary stats at a certain amount im still trying to clear h rag on 10 with guild 2 healing with a resto druid so trying to max what i can put out.
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