Hi, My username on my paladin is called Mamasita US-Malygos and im just wondering, since i just hit 81 this morning, im wondering if im building my tree incorrectly or am i doing it right. this is my first pally ever and im still learning. i know one thing that my guildie told me was to love mastery and have parry and dodge equally. now, what im wondering is that is there a set rotation for prot pallys? cause what i usually do is that i start with a avengers shield ,then spam the heck out of crusader strike till 3 holy power then use shield of righteous and then keeping up with my hammer of judgement up at all times on the boss. now is this correct or not? all i need now is new addons for my prot gear, a new ui that suits me better as a tank and that's pretty much it.
Here is a link of my armory as of right now. Thanks in advance! :) dont mind my ret talent tree :)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... ita/simple