I believe my ret dps is broke, Today as i was doing Bwd 10 Nef i noticed by dps wasn't were it once was. For example before i got rid of my 2 piece t-11 Gear i was pulling decently 20k without to much trouble. Now that i got my 2 piece T-12 My dps dropped to about 17-18k. This isn't the only fight i've seen my dps drop, It's also dropped in Fl Baleroc.
As for Rotation i don't really need the CLCret rotation, but I use it just for ease. There has also been some talk about Mastery>Haste>Crit, better then Mastery>Crit>haste.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... agz/simple
Theres my armory
<3 Ty
Ret Dps Broke
Ret Dps Broke
- Posts: 2
Re: Ret Dps Broke
- Posts: 2
Also ontop of that if crit and haste have swapped in the priority what is the new stat weights?? Crit used to be at like 0.98 and haste at 0.79. Do these numbers swap ?
2 posts -