Hi,i was wondering if you could give any tips for my ret paladin.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... arf/simple
Ret pally needs help
Ret pally needs help
- Posts: 1
Re: Ret pally needs help
- Posts: 4
To me. You look ok. Reaaaally think about switching races if your going to go Ret. The Dwarves only have +3 to Exp if your using a mace and other than Ragnaros own mace it's pretty limited. The Draenei +1% Hit Rating isn't that big a bonus. You could swing the axe just fine, but even that +1% hit doesn't add much. The humans allow a sword or mace to gain that +3 Exp. There are alot of good swords out there. Until I get the Random Boss drop sword or Ragnaros mace from Firelands I'm using the Blacksmithing sword avaliable from the molten core vendors. That +3 to Expertise goes a very long way in opening up room to reforge to mastery or hit if hits still needed. Your hit capped (8%) and Exp capped 26 (16+10 from the Seal of Truth glyph) just fine. Other than trying to maximize stats by getting your racials specialization its all in the rotation. And a 2 set of T11 might help out ALOT. Im sure you know to blow AW/Zeal together now since this isn't WOTLK anymore and make a macro to involve either engineering gloves or a trinket with an on-use CD. Put Hand of Salvation into the rotation or else tanks will be extremely mad at you.
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