Ret 4.2 Nerfed?

Ret 4.2 Nerfed?

Post 27 Jul 2011 05:28

Avatar StilesFTW
Posts: 2
So this may be only because I have just stepped back into PvE on wow, but too me it seems like all the major raiding guilds have no use of a ret pally. I've been ret since the vanilla days and i know my class very well. But everyone i ask I'm told to start gearing prot or holy. This may just be some kind of denial state I've entered but can anyone answer my question. Does ret have any kind of place in 4.2 raiding?

Re: Ret 4.2 Nerfed?

Post 29 Jul 2011 03:08

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
You can definitely play ret and do ok in raids but when you start playing little more hardcore and minmax your raid to the fullest there isn't really need for ret paladin.

What ret paladin brought to the raid before was replenishment and 3% damage aura. Nowadays arcane mage is a lot better choice for this job because of its superior damage and mages aura reaches 100y instead of ret's 40y which is one things that should be fixed asap, and for replenishment you need minimum of 2 chars with replenishment, that would be 1 or 2 resto druids and/or shadow priests, you can add plenty of both since they are performing pretty well now and even should be part of every 25man raid.

Now what do we have left for ret? You need to do damage since the raid doesn't need your buffs, what other melee classes do we have? DK, warrior and rogue DEFINITELY do more damage than ret, I don't know about ferals or enhancement shamans cos we haven't had any yet. So if you want to feel like you are wanted in your raid you have to outdps your other melees which ain't gonna happen in theory, if you can't do it in theory why would you bring one instead of warrior for example? That's right, you wouldn't.

Strong point of ret is its high damage on short/mid duration burns but warrior does better at that department also. If you don't have prot pala as one of your tanks and are running shamanless 1 holy pala raid then you might bring one for concentration aura but otherwise I don't really see the point when trying to make the best out of your raid comp.

ps. rolling mage for next progress (gonna keep playing my pala in our alt raid don't worry =) )

Re: Ret 4.2 Nerfed?

Post 29 Jul 2011 06:45

Avatar StilesFTW
Posts: 2
thanks for the reply. It seems it is as i feared im thinking about rolling a mage also or dk, but im going to stick with my pally and ride it out in hopes blizz gives us some kind of advantage that would make us at least somewhat needed. Ret has been through many nerfs so hopefully this is just temporary but we'll see.