Hi Iiris i'm Lýcosa and i'm starting 2 get problems with my DPS, and i seriously don't know whats wrong with my amount of my DPS.
i use CS J until i get 3 HP and then inq. or zealotry. if there is something wrong with my Gear or rotation please tell me?
my Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced
i'm prob. in holy gear cause i have not ben online...
Q 2 Iiris DPS
Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 4
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 1
Enchant your gloves with eighter 35 strength or 50 strength, depending on your gold.
Quote from EJ:
The Ret paladin "rotation" shares something with Wrath - it is priority based. The priority for single-target is one of the following:
Inq > CS > HoW > Exo > TV > J > HW > Cons
Inq > CS > TV > HoW > Exo > J > HW > Cons
You should use GotAK 10 secounds before AW+Zeal, to get the most benefit out of your cooldowns.
Hope this helps you abit.
ps: Im not a paragon paladin, but imo that's the best way to do it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
Quote from EJ:
The Ret paladin "rotation" shares something with Wrath - it is priority based. The priority for single-target is one of the following:
Inq > CS > HoW > Exo > TV > J > HW > Cons
Inq > CS > TV > HoW > Exo > J > HW > Cons
You should use GotAK 10 secounds before AW+Zeal, to get the most benefit out of your cooldowns.
Hope this helps you abit.
ps: Im not a paragon paladin, but imo that's the best way to do it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 118
Hello Lýcosa
I think Tehesus pretty much nailed it but here is an example how I start my fight:
- Use Judgement first to get haste buff up and/or speed boost if you have to start from far away (obviously)
- CS after first Judgement and use 1 HP Inq then use GoAK so it starts stacking while you build your 3 HP
- At 3 HP use Zeal+AW+3 HP Inq and start smashing some face
- After cooldowns have ended continue your normal rotation and remember to refresh Inq before it drops
I think Tehesus pretty much nailed it but here is an example how I start my fight:
- Use Judgement first to get haste buff up and/or speed boost if you have to start from far away (obviously)
- CS after first Judgement and use 1 HP Inq then use GoAK so it starts stacking while you build your 3 HP
- At 3 HP use Zeal+AW+3 HP Inq and start smashing some face
- After cooldowns have ended continue your normal rotation and remember to refresh Inq before it drops
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 4
Hi Iiris thank you for your respond, i tried that rotation and it went fine 2 the DPS (topped the meters) :D
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 33
Talking about rotations, I've read some posts on EJ forum and noticed there's an addon who helps in priorities cycles for ret paladins, called CLC-Ret/CLC-Info, I'm here to ask Iiris if you use it or if you don't use, it's nice to improve my dps as retribution.
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 118
I use EventHorizonContinued for my rotation. It shows all necessary skill cooldowns and durations in nice little box. I think knowing your rotation yourself is better than having a mod which shoots up skill icons and tells you what to press, it might work for some people but I like mine better =).
Re: Q 2 Iiris DPS
- Posts: 33
Hello again Iiris, I want to know if you follow or use any spreadsheet or simulator to find upgrades on your gear?
8 posts -