holy pally setup/ui question for ilonie or diamond

holy pally setup/ui question for ilonie or diamond

Post 24 Mar 2011 01:37

Avatar Alphy
Posts: 14
hi ilonie and diamond. i was just wondering if either of you could spare a few mins to help me out a little bit. my off spec is holy, although im considering swapping over to holy in the guild im applying too atm, not necessarily as a main spec, but i may have to heal for quite some time till a tank spot opens up. my gear isn't' terrible, and i think i have the stat balance right, there are perhaps a few gems i could change but nothing to serious, room for improvement certainly, but good enough to be putting out some decent healing in normal raids. this isn't my biggest prob atm. my biggest issue is that despite my gear i simply cant seem to put out 10k average healing per second, as often as i would like and i seem to struggle a bit for mana Regen.

i spam DL as often as possible for heavy damage, and ive also got LoD and DR/wrath (or just DR if wrath is on cd) spamming nailed assuming the raid positioning allows for it. and i try to use shock whenever it comes off cd too ofc. ive got some pretty decent spirit trinkets for cd mana regen. and im judging like crazy as often as i can without ofc risking a tank death coz i wasted a GCD on judging. i simply dont understand what the it is thats holding my healing back, and how it is that my mana regen seems to suffer a bit more then other pallies who say they have no issue at all with mana regen.

my average healing in ten mans seems to be fine, usually about 8 k hps and the heavy tank damage puts me at about 10k+ although it usually makes me cringe as i look at my mana and worry about how best to regen it without dropping hps to much. 25 man seems to be where i have the biggest issue. my thinking on healing is that meters in themselves don't particularly matter to much. and that effective use of you heals is more important then simply topping the meters. however, when i see myself doing 6-7 or even 8 k healing, and other better geared pallies are doing 9-10 or even 11 k i do wonder where are their heals going, and if im popping everything efficiently within my ability, shouldn't my healing be almost the same, and i simply go oom a little bit faster?

also, one final thing id like to know is what add on you use for tracking your holy procs ? im currently using the beacon and judgment tracker, along with forte which covers my illumination procs and conviction, and things like daylight procs dont seem to be tracked by anything. do you perhaps use power auras to manually set that up? or is there an add on ive missed that will track daylight procs, etc etc.

ill stick an armoury link in, but ill most likely be in prot gear and spec, but hopefully you'll catch me in holy gear, ill at least try to keep myself hashed in holy gear for a few days in the hopes that youll get a look at the gear and see what you think.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... iel/simple

thanks in advance for anytime you can spare to help me out.