Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Post 11 Mar 2011 03:54

Avatar Vunioq
Posts: 4
hello, I was starting to play retri paladin and had six questions to be clarified as to DPS, I wanted to know if you can help:
A) It is important to maintain 100% uptime Inquisition in a fight?
B) What is the priority skills used in a proc: TV or Exorcism.
C) The Cooldowns such as Avenging Wrath, zealotry, the occasional trinket and potions,its important wear them all at once?
D) The dps of a paladin retri varies over the fate of the procs or always constant?
E) The difference of 359 + Ilvl (weapons), it makes much difference in dps?
F) the last question is, has the unique ability to do dps as retri paladin are: CS, TV, Exorcism, Jugdement, and how?

Answer this questions if u can plz ><.

Re: Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Post 11 Mar 2011 12:01

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
A yes
C use AW and Zealotry together always, potion 5 secs, AW+Zealotry 10 secs after GoAK and if you have use trinkets, use them with AW
D nothing is constant in this long fights and there is always some RNG that affects you dps, it is more constant than before however because of the changes in the latest patch that put more weight on CS TV usage from the Exo procs
E yes, better gear makes a difference
F Inq > CS > TV > HoW > Exo > J > HW > Cons, keep Inq up at all times, use TV when 3hp, otherwise CS has the largest priority

Re: Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Post 11 Mar 2011 15:56

Avatar Vunioq
Posts: 4
well Iiris many thx for that it help me a lot :D.

Re: Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Post 12 Mar 2011 17:24

Avatar Vunioq
Posts: 4
Sup Iiris its Me again, :D, i have two more questions hehe based in DPS i think its important:
A) Should i use inquisition with 1 or 2 HP or always should be used with three?
B) and this very important question; TV, CS. are attacks based on weapon damage "but as said seal of truth, any damage caused by your attacks will damage to your target by 10% as holy damage so.. do inquisition increase that damage? i mean, TV and CS once 5 stacks of truth will cause more damage if inquisition if up? i test that in a dummy and i dont know whats come on, because with TV and CS i hit lets say 10.000, with inquisition up i hit same, so here is the dilemma: inquisition is important? only for exorcism and Judgement? it worth?

Plz help me if u can >.< thx :D

Re: Paladin retribution request to Iiris

Post 13 Mar 2011 11:05

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
A 3HP without the 4pt11 set bonus, 1HP with it
B Inquisition increases ALL holy damage you do so yes it is very important, the holy damage you get from hitting CS or TV aren't counted directly to the CS/TV damage but are different damage sources in combat log