Hi, i'm a holy paladin looking for some advice from you guys (Diamondtear or any otherone)
I'll explain you my doubt: i saw that a lot of paladin lately are using the 2pc bonus set and i don't get why.
Atm i'm aiming to haste, spirit and crit (in this order) with all offspec set to maximize haste, my gameplay with this stat output
is obviusly based on spamming DL, HS on cd and all the other spell or cds like everyone does. I'm pretty confident in this way
of healing and i usually do 11k hps on most of fights (sometimes more).
Changing this stat output aiming for the 2pc bset will change everything giving the priority to HL instead of DL and boosting crit
loosing a bit of haste.
So the first question is: how do you play the 2pc bset pally and how do you witstand the the fact that HL heals for more then half
less of DL with same casting time?
Now for the next question i have to say that i raid on 10m normal mode atm.
So the second (and last^^) question is: looking at 4.1 patch change on the 4pc bset is it worth to get it? We loose a lot of haste
gaining a medium amount of spirit form HS, i'm quite tempted on trying it but maybe you already done or have some suggestion!
Sorry for bothering you guys but i'm a bit confused atm and i'm looking for some good adivice and a clear explanation of your
gamestyle if possible.
Holy Paladin 2/4 pc set bonus and gameplay
Re: Holy Paladin 2/4 pc set bonus and gameplay
- Posts: 317
Instead of just looking at what the bonus is, you need to also look at how big it is. 5 % more crit on one spell won't change the way you play at all as a healer.
Re: Holy Paladin 2/4 pc set bonus and gameplay
- Posts: 14
it is my understanding that crit suffers badly atm anyway and the only real reason to have it at all atm is conviction. obviously crits on DL are good, but to stack crit at all doesnt seem like a good idea to me. i would focus more on int, haste and spirit, and take crit only where it cant be avoided and reforge out of it into something more useful where ever possible, and following this basis i find i have more then enough crit without even trying to get it.
the holy pally tier is in my opinion totally rubbish atm and i cant even understand why blizz made it the way it is. im no holy expert, far from it, but i took one look at it and quick peak at set bonus's, looked back and stats and was like.... really blizz? REALLY BLIZZ! PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! SO VERY MUCH MUCH INSTA PASS! lol
i can understand main spec pallies perhaps taking the upper tier helm and shoulders, but if you thinking about gearing in the lower tier simply for the set bonus, think again, ask your self the only really important question... are the stats on the head and shoulder good for you? are they an improvement? if so, bully for you, go for it and in the process you gain a pretty rubbish but not useless set bonus. if not, if you really don't massively improve i would say pass, unless you got nothing else to spend the valor on perhaps.
the holy pally tier is in my opinion totally rubbish atm and i cant even understand why blizz made it the way it is. im no holy expert, far from it, but i took one look at it and quick peak at set bonus's, looked back and stats and was like.... really blizz? REALLY BLIZZ! PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! SO VERY MUCH MUCH INSTA PASS! lol
i can understand main spec pallies perhaps taking the upper tier helm and shoulders, but if you thinking about gearing in the lower tier simply for the set bonus, think again, ask your self the only really important question... are the stats on the head and shoulder good for you? are they an improvement? if so, bully for you, go for it and in the process you gain a pretty rubbish but not useless set bonus. if not, if you really don't massively improve i would say pass, unless you got nothing else to spend the valor on perhaps.
3 posts -