@ Diamondtear regarding haste and aoe heals

@ Diamondtear regarding haste and aoe heals

Post 23 Feb 2011 16:33

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Posts: 1
Firstly I'm not sure if I thanked you but you gave me some pro tips early last summer for lk hm. So thank you. Atm I m feeling that I am over healing too much we are currently 7 of 12 hm 25ms and although I am keeping the tanks alive I feel like if i could aoe heal better we could drop a healer or two. When ever i really try to get those aoe heals in I'm running oom too fast for my comfort however. Many of our starts are different from so many vids that I have studied. The biggest difference is lack of stacking which makes my HR much weaker. This is my armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... a/advanced Just switched back to my pally about a month or so please mind the three pvp pieces as I have had awful luck with drops.
This is a wol of last nights magmaw hm kill http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/glra ... 876....any tips advice would be great. Once again thank you for LK help and providing real direct paladin help to those who rather not weed through awful forums .

Re: @ Diamondtear regarding haste and aoe heals

Post 25 Feb 2011 04:06

User avatarDiamondTear
Posts: 317
Gathering when possible helps all healers, so you should work on adjusting your tactics where possible. If you want aoe heals without stacking, you'll have to use priests.