Retribution - Wish list

Retribution - Wish list

Post 22 Dec 2010 09:05

Avatar Rhadamant
Posts: 1
Hi Iiris i play a retribution paladin on Garona and with our 10/12 boss down I'm close to my first tier 11 part so I was wondering which part would be the most efficient as a non tier 11 (i'm guessing the 4 part tier 11 is necessary).

I was thinking the gloves that drop on Chimaeron but maybe i'm wrong (because of the reforging).

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Re: Retribution - Wish list

Post 23 Dec 2010 01:20

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
I haven't done much research on non-tier drops but replacing mastery pieces with haste+crit pieces is always a good thing, so yeah those gloves are probably nice. I haven't seen any theorycrafting on 4 piece bonus yet but it doesn't seem too good at first sight, 2 piece bonus is kinda nice and you should get it asap ideally with chest+helmet or shoulders, since they don't have any mastery on them.