I am an old Shaman healer since bc and druid healer since vanilla switching my class to paladin for this expansion as well taking up tanking after out MT decided not to raid with us anymore the day right before cata comes out.
Ok ive been reading everything on Maintankadin and really there so much abbreviations and such that my head just goes in circles. My question would be this .. ive seen a post from Lazei saying that expertise is not a huge stat or even important, so that aside while following maintankadin i reforged most of my gear for expertise because it was suggested ..
What should i be reforging for exactly if expertise is not important and once i am hit capped? Are my gemming selections even correct? Here is a link to my armory:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... i/advanced
with the selection of either threat gear or even survival gear is starting to get a bit confusing and though maybe asking here would get me a more straight forward answer other than "go look at this guide and go look at this one oh and then also read this" mind all with the same abbreviations and i get more confused.
New to Tanking/Paladin Need Advice >_<
Re: New to Tanking/Paladin Need Advice >_<
- Posts: 5
http://elitistjerks.com/f76/t110338-cat ... 10_4_0_3a/
everything you need is there mate, if there is anything you dont understand (for some people theorycraft can be an eye strain) just bring my attention to it, i will endevour to make whatever you need clearer.
i would advise that you do try to answer your own questions using that resource (link posted above), it will help in raising general awareness of the finer points to playing a paladin. If you really dont understand, qq here and i will get back to ya ^^
everything you need is there mate, if there is anything you dont understand (for some people theorycraft can be an eye strain) just bring my attention to it, i will endevour to make whatever you need clearer.
i would advise that you do try to answer your own questions using that resource (link posted above), it will help in raising general awareness of the finer points to playing a paladin. If you really dont understand, qq here and i will get back to ya ^^
Re: New to Tanking/Paladin Need Advice >_<
- Posts: 6
Crèmefraîche wrote:http://elitistjerks.com/f76/t110338-cataclysm_tanking_protection_field_manual_updated_dec_13_2010_4_0_3a/
everything you need is there mate, if there is anything you dont understand (for some people theorycraft can be an eye strain) just bring my attention to it, i will endevour to make whatever you need clearer.
i would advise that you do try to answer your own questions using that resource (link posted above), it will help in raising general awareness of the finer points to playing a paladin. If you really dont understand, qq here and i will get back to ya ^^
thank you i have seen this guide shown to me a bit but it just seems like everyone in reality has different views on reforging, some are saying that if dodge/parry are on the same item then reforge the highest one to mastery .. then if dodge/parry and mastery are on the same item to leave it alone and if u have crit and hit to reforge crit to mastery. With seeing so many of these guides tbh im lost as to who is better and who is actually saying what the majority of the people want.
From what i have been able to comprehend is that Expertise is at the bottom of the totem pole and its what the majority of the paladin tanks ive asked have said.
I'll try to read this guide a bit more into detail and extract as much info as possible.
Re: New to Tanking/Paladin Need Advice >_<
- Posts: 5
i would also suggest you try Rawr, its a brilliant programme for gear analysis, upload your character and you can see what sort of stats you will be generating, but more importantly, rawr can generate graphs to show the versatility and necessity of those stats.
im not sure if its fully updated to level 85 tiered gear, but until BiS lists have been drawn up (which will be sometime soon), this programme should help you in deciding where you want stats, and what sort of items you think you should be picking up.
if it isnt updated to cataclysm gear yet, then dont worry. Follow as best you can Elitist Jerks, for a while now that has existed as the best and most comprehensive source of WoW mechanics.
once again, any more problems or issues, dont hesitate to ask, i actually play Ret main, but that doesn't stop me from tanking myself :)
im not sure if its fully updated to level 85 tiered gear, but until BiS lists have been drawn up (which will be sometime soon), this programme should help you in deciding where you want stats, and what sort of items you think you should be picking up.
if it isnt updated to cataclysm gear yet, then dont worry. Follow as best you can Elitist Jerks, for a while now that has existed as the best and most comprehensive source of WoW mechanics.
once again, any more problems or issues, dont hesitate to ask, i actually play Ret main, but that doesn't stop me from tanking myself :)
4 posts -