Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 26 Nov 2010 22:00

Avatar Gadhel
Posts: 8
Hello Paragon.

Fristly, thanks por answering our doubts which helps us more than you think.

As the topic says, I'd like to ask if you've noticed any optimal choose of profs to optimize the DPS.

I've read about Leatherworking (130 str in wrist), Jewelcrafting (same as the "old" WotLK which I'd like to keep) and Tailoring (proc. almost 50s CD of 1000AP bonus for 15s).

Takin' a look on this, I'd say Jewelcrafting which I've always liked and Tailoring but... some help could be nice at this point.

Thanks for any reply.

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 27 Nov 2010 13:43

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
Seems like Tailoring and Leatherworking are the best professions for ret pala with current stat values. Tailoring being about 90 dps better and LW 50 dps better than one of these regular professions (insc/enchanting/alchemy/bs).

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 28 Nov 2010 10:46

Avatar Gadhel
Posts: 8
Big thanks Iiris!

I've just rerolled from the "holy world" and I'm quite lost :)

I'm starting leveling the new profs as soon as my economy is able to!

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 28 Nov 2010 23:20

User avatarMitranim
Posts: 32
Location: Russia, Moscow
I wouldn't advise switching to Tailoring. It might be a theoretical 0.0001% DPS increase, but is silly and unreliable, and gimps your other specs to boot.

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 28 Nov 2010 23:26

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
Mitranim wrote:I wouldn't advise switching to Tailoring. It might be a theoretical 0.0001% DPS increase, but is silly and unreliable, and gimps your other specs to boot.

Mind showing me your math about this 0.0001% increase? My calculations show over 90dps increase compared to insc/ench/bs/alche, which means tailoring gives 57% more dps than the ones I mentioned and is overall about 0.5% dps increase, it isn't much I know but we are minmaxing here and if you don't care about these little increases then you might as well be without any profession.

I used latest stat values from Redscape's spreadsheet, but didn't take into account syncing wings or potions with the proc so it isn't 100% accurate, but it is definitely a lot more than 0.0001%.

And I personally don't care about gimping my other specs since I'm not gonna raid as holy or prot, and if I do, I can always roll other professions.

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 29 Nov 2010 05:16

User avatarMitranim
Posts: 32
Location: Russia, Moscow
I was slightly exaggerating here. I agree that those 90 dps, or 0.5%, might be something worth changing professions for. But come on... tailoring? It's not suited for melee in general, and I wouldn't bet that it doesn't get gimped in later tiers, when lots of passive ratings on gear raise the value of strength (provided by other professions).

My point is, the difference is so small that you should only level Tailoring if you totally don't care about other specs, and ready to level another profession in case something goes right.

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 05 Dec 2010 10:38

Avatar CeleresDMFeu
Posts: 1
Hey, umm, is engineering not as good as it was or something? I haven't seen it posted on here once which i thought was curious, due to the nice cogwheel gems and the 200 odd haste on gloves, cheers.


Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 05 Dec 2010 17:07

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
CeleresDMFeu wrote:Hey, umm, is engineering not as good as it was or something? I haven't seen it posted on here once which i thought was curious, due to the nice cogwheel gems and the 200 odd haste on gloves, cheers.

The perks engineers get are:

The epic helmet which has 2 cogwheel slots so you can put 2 different kinds of cogwheels there <- these are not normal gems you can put anywhere so its just a flexibility bonus, you can put whatever rating you want in your helmet but no raw stat advantages compared to other helmets, this also means you get one epic item pretty fast compared to some professions.

You also get rocket boost and absorb shield which both can fail at pretty high chance so personally I wouldn't advice using them, of course if you are absolutely sure you can press the button ONLY when you would die anyway they are ok I guess.

Lastly the WotLK haste glove enchant and the new 8500-10500 nuke glove enchant and the bolt gun with 2 minute cooldown, I haven't compared the dps values of these two but they seem lacking compared to what tailoring and leatherworking has to offer.

There are people who think Engineering is still the best profession but I personally don't like use perks that can fail and become huge dps loss or kill you when backfiring.

Re: Ret pally Best profession choose in Cataclysm.

Post 16 Dec 2010 02:35

User avatarCrèmefraîche
Posts: 5
theorycraft is still not 100%, i wouldnt advise people just yet on best proffessions. obviously there are clear advantages to the play style of certain specs offered by certain professions, but its too early to conclude wholly that one proffession is better than another.

if there is viable theorycraft in place to contradict what i said, i will concede, but from what i have searched there are indications to what may be better, but its hard to be 100% conclusive.