Selfless Healer question for Ret. Pallys

Selfless Healer question for Ret. Pallys

Post 18 Nov 2010 16:55

Avatar Aspire
Posts: 1
Should I be planning on using Selfless Healer, the tier 5 (2) point talent in the ret. tree, at 85 for raids? If so, I'd like to start during the leveling process to get used to it. Thanks for your time.

Re: Selfless Healer question for Ret. Pallys

Post 18 Nov 2010 19:14

Avatar Kolori
Posts: 28
Everytime you heal with wog it is a dps loss even with 2 pointed selfless healer. It can be useful sometimes but I consider it more of a pvp talent. To get it you must drop your interrupt or one point in e4e, interrupt is more useful and e4e gives you dps.