Protection Paladin Discussion

Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 31 Oct 2010 17:25

Posts: 3
First of all, I've been reading a few posts on the website and I don't really know if I'm reposting but anyway, if I am merge my topic with that one or whatever.


I just became a Protection Paladin and I'm having the most fun with it, it's just awesome and since than, I've been watching your (Paragon) videos on youtube and mmo-champion and I noticed that Lazeil is the tank that I most identify with.

* I will use his but I don't know if Lazeil is a he or a she.

I'd like to know if it's possible to get his addons list or a zipped folder with all his addons/ui and the main keybindings. I'm doing just fine with mine but it's always good to watch other player's ones so we can improve our ones.

For last, some main things to keep in mind in a dungeon/raid like the positioning, the self buffs, the gems that you should have in your gear, the main tank stats caps, etc.

I know that this is a post that takes a while to answer to but I'd like to have a All In One post with all questions and answers to a protection paladin.


Thanks for reading and I hope you can help :)


Johny Vester.

Re: Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 01 Nov 2010 09:34

User avatarLazei
Posts: 123
My current UI is horrible because some addons stopped working in 4.0.1 and I haven't bothered to find alternatives yet.

This was my UI in ICC.
Notable addons:
Barternder, Shadowed Unitframes, MSBT, Eventhorizon, Buffalo, NeedToKnow, sRaidFrames.

I'm not going to list my keybinds just because its too much work. Obviously I have everything that's needed in combat keybinded. I also have some macros for convenience like target=sejta LoH and sacrifice so I don't have to target him to cast those spells.

Re: Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 01 Nov 2010 14:56

Posts: 3
Thanks for the fast reply :)

And I want to know (if possible) what are the two best professions to have in a protection paladin.

I know that everybody goes for jewelcrafting since you have three gems of +51 Stamina which in my opinion ain't that much but I'd like to hear your opinion.

Why not much? Because:

3x51 Stamina (special JWC gem) = 1530 HP (+/-)
3x30 Stamina (normal JWC gem) = 900 HP (+/-)

The difference between both of them is something like 630 HP so, is that worth it?


The other question I'd like you to answer is (if you know the answer) what's the most viable threathmeter, Omen or anyother?
And about dps, healing, etc, is it alDamageMeter, Recount or something else?

Thanks for your time again,
Vester :D

Re: Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 03 Nov 2010 09:17

User avatarLazei
Posts: 123
This is for Cataclysm. You shouldn't care about min/maxing WotLK content anymore.

The WotLK LW bracer resist enchant might end up being decent if there is some resist fight and resists are otherwise hard to get. BS will be decent if there are some craftable BoP items at some point. Mining is good for the first few weeks if you don't want to spend too much money on gems in AH. Just skill up some other profession afterwards. JC will be good if some fights favour avoidance over stamina.

In the end the small differences in stats won't make a noticable difference. Try to find the one with the most special perks and go with it. I don't even know myself which professions I'm going to get.

I've always used omen and recount.

Re: Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 03 Nov 2010 17:15

Posts: 3
I agree with you because everything is going to change in cataclysm and I just started analyzing every profession and I'm trying to see which ones are most useful to me.

Anyway, if you don't mind, I'd like to have you added somewhere so we could tank without a forum delay time so, if you're interested add me (I sent you a pm with my personal details in various social networks).

Thanks for your time mate :)


edit: I've been using omen since I'm tanking but I don't find it that useful because I don't take much time looking at it so I just use recount and Tukui's UI with my own settings and adjustments :)

Re: Protection Paladin Discussion

Post 03 Nov 2010 18:03

User avatarLazei
Posts: 123
Any threat addon is nice to have so you can throw salvations easily if needed.
/query lazei