Hey mate,
Just looking for ways to improve my dps,
my rotation is as follows,
FF > MF > IS, spam wrath untill proc then spam starfire untill proc only refreshing MF when its full duration has run out and only refreshing IS when solar proc is up, When moving i allways refresh all dots and cast gotw to proc my set bonus,
attached is a copy of our wol's
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/frh7 ... amageDone/
also a copy of my armoury http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... n=Predatar
Any help would be appreciated,
Question for Lappé
Question for Lappé
- Posts: 5
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 254
1) if you have feral druid and spriest in your raid, casting FF is a waste of global cd.
2) refresh moonfire only be4 every lunar eclipse.
3) you have +12% hit which means you can use one point from Balance of Power for e.g owlking frenzy.
some things i picked up with a quick glance
2) refresh moonfire only be4 every lunar eclipse.
3) you have +12% hit which means you can use one point from Balance of Power for e.g owlking frenzy.
some things i picked up with a quick glance
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 22
get dfo trinket aswell as the haste is a good bonus to have then u can socket sp crit instead of sp haste. :)
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 5
Thanks both, Lappé would you say the 3% crit from improved FF is not worth casting on a boss? Will also dropa a point as i noticed and well over hit cap, with regards to trinkets, there not the easiest thing to get so i'm working on them :-)
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 5
Thanks for the info didnt know that, From all logs i view boomkins seem to favour wrath and starfire rather than keeping dots up, what is your views on dots as I feel i'm currently under performing alot considering my gear :(
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 22
ur dot refreshing by sounds of it is fine, MF during lunar and IS during solar and then wen moving refreshing both and sometimes using typhoon for a small dps increase all you have to do to increase dps is know the fights well enough to try and figure out when to position yourself so you dont have to move and can dps, sadly boomkins is one of the classes that gets affected by movement fights alot and you have to counter that with skill and knowledge of the fights.
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 5
New question for Lappé, Is there any macro's you use as a MUST have as boomkin? how often do you force proc omen with gotw?
Cheers Pred
Cheers Pred
Re: Question for Lappé
- Posts: 254
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Starfire
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Starfire
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Wrath
/use [@target, harm, nodead][@targettarget, harm, nodead][] Wrath
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Force of Nature
/cast Force of Nature
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip innervate
/cast [target=baltha] innervate
- Code: Select all
#showtooltip Rebirth
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,dead] Rebirth;[target=player] Rebirth
gotw while moving when both dots are up (=if you have to move alot you cast 1/2 dots + gotw)
10 posts -