Hey guys, my main is a moonkin and I was just wondering if I was doing things right.
My character's name is Jaska (yes that's a finnish name) and I play on the French server Archimonde: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... ska/simple
On a single target, I usually start right before lunar eclipse, and I cast a starfall at start, then I cast starsurge to enter my eclipse. Once in the eclipse, I have a macro to cast Incarnation and Nature's Vigil at the same time, then I cast Sunfire and Moonfire in that order to have the Lunar Shower bonus, and I recast starfall as soon as the other one is done. Then I cast Celestial Alignment and Berseker right after my eclipse is over, and I do starfires in the phase, after that I do the regular rotation, casting DoTs right when entering the eclipse.
I still have some issues when switching targets, do I put my DoTs right on the new target, or is it better to wait that I have an eclipse?
So basically, I'm just asking what I'm doing wrong in my rotation, what should I do to improve my DPS, etc. Also, are my gems and reforge ok?
Thanks a lot!
Moonkin questions
Moonkin questions
- Posts: 2
Re: Moonkin questions
- Posts: 57
Just about to go to bed, but I will note one thing. Don't cast Starsurge to enter Eclipse.
3 posts -