Hello, my name is Sepulor and I come from the server Blackrock horde.
I have the following problem which I during the Raids a lot of damage agree as a tank druid. Now I imagined I ask sometimes with the experts whether it maybe with my topical Gearstand something gives what I can improve around coming in damage to avoid.
Maybe I have even wrong gesockelt or umgeschmiedet.
I hope you can help me a little.
Greeting Sepulor
http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/b ... lor/simple
Guardian Druid Problems
Guardian Druid Problems
- Posts: 1
Re: Guardian Druid Problems
- Posts: 7
Well it depends if your 10man or 25man druid tank but in general reforgin all to Dodge SUCKS. I am 10man guilds druid tank and ATM im reforgin and gemming in this order: hit/exp(until cap) > crit > master > dodge > haste. this is because with crit you gain more rage = more savage defenses/frenzied regenations. I dont really take much more dmg then any other tank and for spelldmg fights selfhealing is awsome. (pushing 30k+hps on stone guard hc)
3 posts -