Hello everyone.
Help me please. I have a decent girskor but I have a problem with DPS. Attached to all logs and armori.
With the buffs in the raid for the caster little bit poor, according to the rotation like I do everything correctly (revised many guides), but my DPS I was depressing. Is the lack of buffs so much lowers the DPS. Or am I doing anything should not.
Thanks in advance.
PS and I apologize in English is not my strong
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/qk9i ... 839&e=5179
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/f2dg ... 209&e=2693
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/% ... 2/advanced
Balance druid asks for advice
Balance druid asks for advice
- Posts: 1
Re: Balance druid asks for advice
- Posts: 16
Well, since you already know your rotation and everything, do you cast your mushrooms while moving on a solar eclipse when there is adds or when you have to move? if so, then you might want to drop those, always use starfall off cd, if you're going solar eclipse which mostly all druids do as i do as well, then you might want to drop those suckers down for add bosses, if there isn't any adds, then just keep on doing your rotation, always make sure you use your trinkets and if you have herbalism, use the lifeblood which will grant you an extra 80 haste. once you are in lunar eclipse, cast the starfall and always,ALWAYS use starsurge for entering the rotation, it will grant the Earth and Moon debuff on the boss and if you dont have a feral druid on your raid, cast your faerie fire which will grant your raid an extra chance reducing the boss's armor. hope i helped at least.
2 posts -