Haste Break-point questions

Haste Break-point questions

Post 19 Dec 2011 01:43

Avatar Rayanoc
Posts: 2
Hello, I am Rayanoc from Illidan-US. I was wondering if someone with substantial raiding experience could help me clarify some things on the haste break points and reforging and what not for a resto druid for
raid healing
in heroic Dragon Soul. My questions are as followed: Upon reaching the major haste breakpoint of 2005 haste, is it necessary to continue to build up haste and try and push for the next major break point? Or is it better to just stay with 2005 haste and let procs such as Nature's Grace and Trinket procs to handle those other major breakpoints and reforge into mastery/crit if needed for more healing? I have the 5% haste buff and DI included in my raid, but the DI is being used to increase our shadow priest's damage and haste to hit a breakpoint.
Please respond back as soon as you have time to do so.

Re: Haste Break-point questions

Post 19 Dec 2011 13:26

Avatar MyCelarAD
Posts: 57
Stay as close to 2005+ haste rating as you can, and reforge to Mastery or Spirit (for 10 man). for 25 man I'd say reforge to mastery/crit where you ideally want to prio mastery.

Every point of haste over the cap gives a lot less benefit to us Resto Druids than Mastery/Spi/crit, especially now that mastery is starting to scale better and better with the ammount of spellpower we get from t12hc/13 gear.


Celar @ Argent Dawn EU

Re: Haste Break-point questions

Post 19 Dec 2011 14:51

Avatar themaan
Posts: 23
Make sure you are always over 2005 haste, reforge into mastery if not very healing and mana draining fights in heroic, then reforge to spirit. No point reforging into crit so choose mastery over crit

Re: Haste Break-point questions

Post 19 Dec 2011 19:43

Avatar Rayanoc
Posts: 2
Alright, that clears a lot of things up for me. Thank you for your time.