Feral dps druid

Feral dps druid

Post 20 Feb 2011 16:45

Avatar Mojitho
Posts: 1
Hello, I need some help!
I play feral druid and have done it for a while now. But I have two questions about it.
First of all it's about the hit and expertise cap isnt that important any more? I can understand why expertise is not that imortant becusse we always try to stand behind the boss. But how come hit is'nt that important i know we have this talent that give us 80% of a missed attack. But still if we miss we lose 20% energy of the cost of the attack and a global cd.
Now to my second question, I've seen many druids that are using the 4 set bonus and it seems realy good exept that we lack abit of mastery on it. But the now the the Q I cant deside what part not to use in the tier, I have engineering wich gives me the head with Crit/Mastery on it. I also got the chest from Atramedes But i dont know if i gonna keep the chest or the head. the tier chest is realy crappy but i still win that lack of mastery / crit from my head so i cant decide if i gonna save my dkp for the head..
And i cant descide if I gonna use the 4 set is it such a big dps inc?

thanks in advance!
Best Regards Mojitho Zenedar EU