Resto Question...

Resto Question...

Post 01 Feb 2011 17:59

Avatar Burningflame
Posts: 1
Hello, members of Paragon.

My 10-man team is currently working on Conclave of Winds. I am sitting on the Rohash platform with one caster who's lone responsibilty is to kill Rohash. While the player is very good, and is pulling respectable numbers, we have forseen the problem that Rohash staying up too long could mean trouble for our team. During our run last week, we tried sending one additional dps over full time, or even having one come over from anshal for a small amount of time, and then jump back before adds spawn. Clearly, both of these methods are largely flawed, the first in that we lose significant dps elsewhere, and the second in that the player jumping all the way from anshal has quite a long down time, and almost makes that player inneffective as a whole.

Last night, while watching your 25m Nef video, a thought occured to me - one of your disc priests was dpsing on of the platform adds. I remembered that I had this talent Fury of Stormrage that originally had seemed by all accounts entirely useless to me. However, as there is not much damage taken on Rohash's platform, I often find my self with nothing to do, and /dancing while the caster and I both sit at full health. Taking this talent could, I thought, potentially allow me to help out with dps on Rohash and take that problem that we had and make it go away. I also never considered doing something like that without this talent, as I fear that if I try to dps without it, my mana will not last.

While I have pretty much decided that I will be making room for this talent, I have not quite decided which talent to drop, wherein lies my question for you. There are a few options i have considered, and all have their pros and cons:

- 2 points from Gift of the Earthmother: while this talent does seem good in theory, I have realized that I rarely find myself allowing Lifebloom to actually "bloom". Additionally, while a 15% rejuv-strength insta heal does also seem very beneficial (this is probably the worst thing to lose), I dont often find myself in a situation where this small heal means the difference between life and death for this caster on my platform, and I don't often for other reasons cast rejuv

-1 point from Swift Rejuvination: for similar reasons to why I would consider dealing withouth the 15% insta heal, this talent does seem, especially in my case where I am really only healing me and one other person, and there isnt any spike damage, pretty useless. There are certainly cases, like when raid healing, where this tallent could be very beneficial (especially after the mana reduction and benefit to nourish cast time coming with 4.0.6, but at the time, and especially diring the specific fight, I feel this talent to be quite useless

-Point(s) from Natures Grace: Again, a talent that is splendid on paper, but isnt getting much use in my current position. 15% haste every minute is a fantastic thing to have, but as I am not often casting cast-time spells to begin with, that asset begins to become lackluster very quickly. This is definately a tallent that I will (similar to the rest of these) respec into at a later time, but its pretty dumb when im effectively tank healing a tank that is taking 5k damage every 5 seconds. The main reason i would consider leaving this talent, however, is due to the fact that it could potentially add quite a bit to the damage I do.

I do realize that this is a very long post, and that I cant expect a respons very fast, but I would like to thank you for reading this, and send a big Congratulations to Paragon on their recent completion of Tier 11.

-Ben, Caelestrasz