i kno how to heal as resto druid i just wanted to know if xaar or any1 else knows the most mana efficent way to heal in raids for a resto druid now which gives out the most optimal hps.
Many thanks exigent
Resto druid healing in cata
Resto druid healing in cata
- Posts: 22
Re: Resto druid healing in cata
- Posts: 22
be really helpful if a resto druid could get back to me on priorities for mana and healing in cata thanks.
Re: Resto druid healing in cata
- Posts: 273
Sorry, we've been so busy with raiding that I for one have completely neglected the forums until now.
If you want actual numbers, I'd recommend firing up TreeCalcs which you can find as an attachment at http://elitistjerks.com/f73/t110354-resto_cataclysm_release/.
The basic answer is that you always want to keep Lifebloom up on someone (most often the tank), because that procs Revitalize and Malfurion's Gift (and later on the 4-set bonus), and gives good healing to boot. After that your most efficient heals are Wild Growth and Swiftmend/Efflorescence, which you should put on cooldown as soon as you get good use out of them. Spend Omen of Clarity procs on Healing Touch or Regrowth depending on the situation.
Doing only that leaves you somewhere around +-0 mana, probably slightly on the positive side. The rest of the time you're spending your time casting Rejuvenation, HT or Nourish when it's appropriate. Regrowth without Omen of Clarity only if it's absolutely necessary. You'll also want to keep a Rejuvenation up on the tank most of the time to leverage mastery bonuses; Lifebloom stacks alone won't give you the extra healing anymore.
Also, don't forget Tree of Life and Tranquility. You can dish out some rather devilish numbers with them at times while still staying efficient.
If you want actual numbers, I'd recommend firing up TreeCalcs which you can find as an attachment at http://elitistjerks.com/f73/t110354-resto_cataclysm_release/.
The basic answer is that you always want to keep Lifebloom up on someone (most often the tank), because that procs Revitalize and Malfurion's Gift (and later on the 4-set bonus), and gives good healing to boot. After that your most efficient heals are Wild Growth and Swiftmend/Efflorescence, which you should put on cooldown as soon as you get good use out of them. Spend Omen of Clarity procs on Healing Touch or Regrowth depending on the situation.
Doing only that leaves you somewhere around +-0 mana, probably slightly on the positive side. The rest of the time you're spending your time casting Rejuvenation, HT or Nourish when it's appropriate. Regrowth without Omen of Clarity only if it's absolutely necessary. You'll also want to keep a Rejuvenation up on the tank most of the time to leverage mastery bonuses; Lifebloom stacks alone won't give you the extra healing anymore.
Also, don't forget Tree of Life and Tranquility. You can dish out some rather devilish numbers with them at times while still staying efficient.
arx / xaar
4 posts -