kk here is the link of Festergut - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/q2d7 ... 84&e=10324
Saurfang - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/q2d7 ... 375&e=3592
Rotface - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/q2d7 ... 505&e=9759
i tried what you told on my last post and thats the dps result thats w/o NES. and u said i would pull around 10k or something is not right the way i played :(.
Hunter discussion
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 7
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 7
how bout the other hunter Terrin. he is pulling better dps than mine :(. so basically your saying if sunder/expose dont apply to the boss, i get shitty dps? what should i do to improve this w/o sunder/expose? or something i did wrong?
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 473
In a 25man raid, without sunders/expose up, the correct thing to do is to yell at the slacking warriors/rogues... If you really have to raid without the most important debuff on the bosses, SV with full agi gems is the way to go probably (no, I haven't bothered to check, in my guild we generally play properly and put up all the necessary debuffs...).
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 7
ohhh ic. so i didnt do nothing wrong then? cuz i dont know how the other hunter got a better dps. i mean he probably has a better gear than me now. :(. well i hope that helps next time i raid. or else im gonna quit this game. lol
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 473
I didn't check what the difference between your hunters is, I just checked what's the main reason for your low dps. Suppose I could check the logs again when I have a moment...
Re: Hunter Question.
- Posts: 7
thank you so much for the time and help. i would really appreciate it. i hope u dont mind doin this. thanks again :)
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 473
First, stop comparing dps on target dummies, it's completely useless for comparing specs/gemming/etc. There's usually no debuffs on dummies, which means that specs and setups that benefit more from, say, sunders/expose obviously won't do quite as well on dummies (like you have noticed - SV benefits less from sunders/expose, so it generally does better on a dummy even if it does worse in raid environment).
Your armory link was a bit broken but I'm assuming it's http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Akama&cn=Gotsume since that was the only level 80 character I found with that name...
Simulationcraft estimates 9.8k dps with your MM spec and the gear you have on right now for a pure standstill 5min fight with optimal buffs & debuffs. 10k for your SV spec.
Some gearing tips:
If you want to go MM you'll have to fix that hit (in fact as MM you really want to have 6% from gear, and 2/3 Focused Aim) and get a bunch of ArPen gear first.
Your armory link was a bit broken but I'm assuming it's http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Akama&cn=Gotsume since that was the only level 80 character I found with that name...
Simulationcraft estimates 9.8k dps with your MM spec and the gear you have on right now for a pure standstill 5min fight with optimal buffs & debuffs. 10k for your SV spec.
Some gearing tips:
- Replace those horrible tier legs with the crafted ones (or Deathwhisper drop ones if you can)
- Replace the hit trinket with anything, even Greatness is quite an upgrade (~200dps)
- Replace the helmet with T10
If you want to go MM you'll have to fix that hit (in fact as MM you really want to have 6% from gear, and 2/3 Focused Aim) and get a bunch of ArPen gear first.
Re: Hunter Question
- Posts: 473
Like I've said in most posts, I'm using Simulationcraft since it seems to match reality slightly better than the spreadsheets and as an additional bonus gives me more data about proc uptimes and such.
Note that when you're comparing agi gemming with arp gemming you can't just look at the scaling values, you have to change all gems and compare the total dps number, since arpen has very non-linear scaling (it becomes better the more you have, until you hit the cap).
Note that when you're comparing agi gemming with arp gemming you can't just look at the scaling values, you have to change all gems and compare the total dps number, since arpen has very non-linear scaling (it becomes better the more you have, until you hit the cap).