Hello guys. My name is steve. My main is a survival hunter named realhizzle on zul'jin, us. I was wondering if you could spare some of your time and look over my WoL and see if there is anything you notice that I could change to up my damage. I feel my dps is pretty low for my gear and dont know how to fix it.
Armory - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/z ... e/advanced
World Of Logs - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-u2hryqkfq5685i89/
I know the obvious fail on ultraxion (I spaced the last hour of twilight)
Also on Hagara we only has one ice phase and I was one of the players who got tombed.
If you can give me any tips or advice I would greatly appreciate it.
Thankyou for your time in advance.
@ Deva @ Kruf @ Burec
@ Deva @ Kruf @ Burec
- Posts: 3
Re: @ Deva @ Kruf @ Burec
- Posts: 82
- Location: Canada, BC
First thing I might do is replace the Sigil trinket and use another agility trinket, like the Vial or heroic Matrix off Rag until I got the Vial, Sigil is good on Spine of Deathwing mostly (unless you just forgot to switch it out or something).
Second, at first glance, your dps seems to be fine (granted I haven't played my hunter for the past couple months in DS with the nerfs so to the raid out so perhaps I'm wrong) but other than the obvious death on Ultra, seems fine, and Hagara cause you were tombed, seems fine in my eyes anyways.
You don't have much to be worried about if you are, doing fine in my opinion.
Edit: If you could, work at getting the heroic cape off of Rhyolith, it is still best in slot, along with the neck piece from heroic Ragnaros.
Second, at first glance, your dps seems to be fine (granted I haven't played my hunter for the past couple months in DS with the nerfs so to the raid out so perhaps I'm wrong) but other than the obvious death on Ultra, seems fine, and Hagara cause you were tombed, seems fine in my eyes anyways.
You don't have much to be worried about if you are, doing fine in my opinion.
Edit: If you could, work at getting the heroic cape off of Rhyolith, it is still best in slot, along with the neck piece from heroic Ragnaros.
"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."
Re: @ Deva @ Kruf @ Burec
- Posts: 222
- Location: Seinäjoki
Couple pointers, like ryu wrote, get dreadfire cape from ryolith(H), starcatchers compass(h) before you get Vial and Expertise ring from dragonsoul too(its way more better than VP one)! I woudn't agree with the neck choise, hit is still the best secondary stat along with expertice. If you go hit cap you can get the second best stat out of it which would be EXP and crit after that. So i would stick with cameo neck.
I realize that im answering kind of late and bunch of these skills have already been removed like call of the wild,kiril proc, sick 'em and shit like that.
I only analyzed morchok cause it straight forward fight and you can pretty much see from that fight if you're using your spells and cd's on correct timings. Anyways noticed only one call of the wild and it was on the beginning of the fight. That pretty much means that you didn't use precast call of the wild with another ferocity pet(use call of the wild then dissmis pet and resummon your main pet before pull), this would have gave you 2 call of the wilds on this fight. And didn't see rapid fire either so you must have popped it before pull. You should save it for the black phase cause there is no interuption to your damage, no need to move(once you'v found good spot behind the pilars). In most cases you can proc your chronohunter on the start which stacks nicely with tolvir, call of the wild (precasted) and kiril proc. After that you should wait with your rapid fire that you proc your another kiril, then you can use second call of the wild and pot thus getting the same burst you'd get in the beginning of the fight and chronohunter and rapid fire is not recommended to used at the same time. You go under gcd with your casts and its dps loss. But most of this stuff is outdated anyways because hunters can't use kiril anymore and they removed call of the wild.
Hunters standard play style is straight forward and what really makes you shine is to time your cd's properly, so you should learn every fight like bottom of your pockets so you know the correct timings for your cd's!
I realize that im answering kind of late and bunch of these skills have already been removed like call of the wild,kiril proc, sick 'em and shit like that.
I only analyzed morchok cause it straight forward fight and you can pretty much see from that fight if you're using your spells and cd's on correct timings. Anyways noticed only one call of the wild and it was on the beginning of the fight. That pretty much means that you didn't use precast call of the wild with another ferocity pet(use call of the wild then dissmis pet and resummon your main pet before pull), this would have gave you 2 call of the wilds on this fight. And didn't see rapid fire either so you must have popped it before pull. You should save it for the black phase cause there is no interuption to your damage, no need to move(once you'v found good spot behind the pilars). In most cases you can proc your chronohunter on the start which stacks nicely with tolvir, call of the wild (precasted) and kiril proc. After that you should wait with your rapid fire that you proc your another kiril, then you can use second call of the wild and pot thus getting the same burst you'd get in the beginning of the fight and chronohunter and rapid fire is not recommended to used at the same time. You go under gcd with your casts and its dps loss. But most of this stuff is outdated anyways because hunters can't use kiril anymore and they removed call of the wild.
Hunters standard play style is straight forward and what really makes you shine is to time your cd's properly, so you should learn every fight like bottom of your pockets so you know the correct timings for your cd's!
Mess with the best, die like the rest!
Re: @ Deva @ Kruf @ Burec
- Posts: 3
hey deva! I have been missing in action due to real life stuff for awhile and I just recently returned to raiding. I do want to thank you for the last response you left me. I will probably be asking you some questions with bm. I really want to play survival only but I can see to be competitive that's not an option this far on most of the fights. I will swap for add fights but I think bm is going to be the most dps on single target fights.
4 posts -