Left hand keybinds

Left hand keybinds

Post 17 Oct 2011 16:21

Posts: 4
what would you guys suggest for left handed keybinds?

Re: Left hand keybinds

Post 18 Oct 2011 00:56

Avatar Rukkia
Posts: 10
Letting someone else then yourself decide how you should keybind is a really bad idea, keybinding is as individual as you can get, and you should use what feels right for you and not what feels right for someone else. You probably don't like this answer but it's the truth anyway

Re: Left hand keybinds

Post 18 Oct 2011 01:00

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
To give you an idea, but please do not copy me for just the sake of being lazy or copying someone else, but I use Shift+numbers and shift+letters along with Ctrl numbers/letters. Along with using R, F, G, E, Q. I unbound strafe from Q and E and bound them to A and D because I always just turn with my mouse. But as the previous poster stated, do what feels right for you. Experiment a bit until you found comfortable binds for yourself.

"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."