DPS help
DPS help
- Posts: 4
I need help doing more dps, i recently hit the haste platue 1300 and i'm not sure what rotation to use i'm MM here's my armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/z ... ato/simple
Re: DPS help
- Posts: 12
Aim to Shoot something Like CS--->2x SS--->2x AS --->3xSS ---> CS in "standard phases". When you are under haste increasing effects Like BL/TW and Rapid Fireyou should shoot AiS as much as you can and only shoot CS to refresh your sting. That´s just a really short summary. If you want to really understand your specc and how to play it you should read this thread a few times http://elitistjerks.com/f74/t112408-cat ... hip_guide/ , I know it´s a long thread but Trust Me, it´s worth it!
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