

Post 03 Sep 2011 22:16

Avatar Niightstar
Posts: 5
So I know that haste has been brought up a million times on the hunter forums, but im still rather unsure,
I WAS at a high mastery low haste build until earlier today, and i ran a askmrrobot optimize with stat weights crit>haste>mastery, and it proved to be a 270 dps increase on femaledwarf.. but I haven't been able to test this, unbuffed i currently have 14.82% haste (1469), 13.58% mastery (1001), and am curious if this change will be an effective increase, and if it is, am i still only casting aimed during CA phase and insta procs? also if anyone is more knowledgable than myself(highly likely), please enlighten me on changes that I can make to my character to help ensure top performance, thanks
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... tar/simple

EDIT: I went back to my mastery build... but would still like some insight on the matter.

Re: haste...

Post 04 Sep 2011 02:15

Avatar Ryuusenshi
Posts: 82
Location: Canada, BC
You apparently did not read into some of the haste discussions all that much

I advise you to read up on the 1235 vs 1850 haste plateu's that I have contributed to in these discussions and what others have said. Also read up on elitistjerks.com and read up on the 12.93% plateu as well and haste accounting for latency.

Good luck,


"Saru mo ki kara ochiru" - "Even monkeys fall from trees."