4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

Post 31 Jul 2011 00:37

Avatar Bordeau
Posts: 13
According to you guys on some stand still fight or where the movement is predictable such as Baleroc do you consider using Aimed shot as your focus dump could be a dps increase. Considering the increase in stats with higher percentage of Crit we also got to take in consideration that Aimed shot will refresh the duration of Piercing shot while arcane don't.

If so would you drop the Arcane shot glyph and pick up the Aimed shot or an other glyph?
Would you guys maybe start to think that Haste can be even better then Crit with that form of rotation?

Thank you for your time
Last edited by Bordeau on 31 Jul 2011 19:33, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot

Post 31 Jul 2011 09:36

Avatar Metaphoric
Posts: 69
Location: Denmark
Aimed Shot is not a very good glyph, because even if you generally use Aimed Shot as your focus dump, you will still need to use Arcane Shot in a lot of situations, for example to combo with an MMM AI proc.

The DPS increase will probably be so small that you will never even notice, besides, Arcane Shot is more reliable, because if you are low on focus, you can always just throw one, with Aimed Shot, you have to spend 50 focus and a 2.0+ cast time, I'd say stick with Arcane Shot.

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot

Post 31 Jul 2011 19:21

Avatar Bordeau
Posts: 13
Thanks for the clarification on the glyph.

Now an other question a bit out of context in what situation would a Survival spec surpass a Marksman. According to Kruf in the Hunter pod cast yesterday, he mentioned that playing survival on the 2nd phase of Ragnaros Survival would surpass MM with the massive aoe damage. In phase 3 a survival hunter do slightly less damage then marksman but having a meteor on them could still keep a pretty steady damage versus marksman.

On bethit'tilac many suggest a mm spec with concussive barrage talent for add management, now would a survival be able to do as much if not more dps considering the multi dot on the drone while taking down the spiderling.

Thanks again

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

Post 31 Jul 2011 20:11

Avatar Metaphoric
Posts: 69
Location: Denmark
Yes, Survival is better than Marksmanship for some fights, or parts of a fight, but you sadly cannot switch specs in combat. There is no known point where Survival surpasses Marksmanship in a standstill fight. Of course that depends on execution of rotation and whatnot, but generally speaking, no.

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

Post 08 Aug 2011 00:03

Avatar Bordeau
Posts: 13
Does anyone know what would be the haste cap for survival hunter with and without the 4 piece T11. Being in a 10 men guild don't always have the 10% haste given out and being survival takes care of that anyone know the rating that would be the equivalent to the 1235 and 1850 haste plateaus of MM.

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

Post 08 Aug 2011 14:26

Avatar Jeslis
Posts: 9
The current accepted survival haste is 757+latency(world) -- in order to fit 3 cobras inbetween explosive shot.

Re: 4.2 Arcane shot vs Aimed shot and survival question

Post 16 Aug 2011 07:08

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
SV scales relatively well with haste though, so it isn't worth it to worry too much about that, just reforge away what you can and you're fine.