

Post 07 Feb 2011 18:26

Avatar fløck
Posts: 5
i going to restart wow, i'd want to make videos , do you have software advices to do it, free and not please.
Moreover, i haven't played since wotlk, so i'm lost a bit, if some guys have a website to bring my knowledge up to date.

Re: "videomaker"

Post 21 Feb 2011 16:15

User avatardeva
Posts: 222
Location: Seinäjoki
While im recording my play i use Fraps for capturing the gameplay ( u need to have lots of free space in ur HD). Secondly i compress the video with Virtual dub with these settings:
Video -> compression
ffdshow video encoder
encoder: divX 3
MODE: one pass - quality
Quality: 100

Video -> frame rate
conver to FPS: 30

Then ill send them to maeil who edits them in final movie

Mess with the best, die like the rest!