Hey there.
I have few questions regarding incoming patch and new tier bonus.
Since I don´t have access to PTR and haven´t yet found any decent information about hunters in incoming patch. I came here to ask have any of you tophunters tested out haste ratings with new tier bonus. I know you guys are probably too busy to test these out due progress raids and getting those first kills so I ask any hunter reading these forums. I would preciate some serious data too... Because what I have heard MM would be a little better than Survival on raid situations in next patch.
- How much haste rating needed to get "hardcap" to survival aka 1.25 second cobra shot cast time? and will it overlap with rapid fire(less than 1 second cast)?
- How much haste rating needed to get 1 second steady shot´s during rapid fire/bloodlust in MM?
- Will aimed shot be buffed enough that you can skip cobra shots in mm. (keeping improved steady shot up and then cobra shot)?
- I haven´t played MM much in cata, but with new tier bonus would it be wise to stack haste to hardcap and then mastery skip crit?
Patch 4.0.6
Patch 4.0.6
- Posts: 1
Re: Patch 4.0.6
- Posts: 473
Thasthil wrote:- How much haste rating needed to get "hardcap" to survival aka 1.25 second cobra shot cast time? and will it overlap with rapid fire(less than 1 second cast)?
Nitpick: 1.25s is not hardcap, hardcap is at 1s.
Assuming the cast time reduction is applied before any haste effects are calculated, we get:
- Code: Select all
1.8s base cast / 1.03 (pathing haste) / 1.10 (hunting party haste) = 1.589s before gear haste rating
1.589s / 1.25s = 1.2712
Thus, we need 27.12% haste from gear, which is 27.12*128.057 = 3472.90584 haste rating.
Thasthil wrote:- How much haste rating needed to get 1 second steady shot´s during rapid fire/bloodlust in MM?
With the new 4piece setbonus, proper raidbuffs and ISS up, you need about 6.5% haste from gear to reach 1s cast time with Bloodlust. With Rapid Fire you need no haste from gear whatsoever.
Thasthil wrote:- Will aimed shot be buffed enough that you can skip cobra shots in mm. (keeping improved steady shot up and then cobra shot)?
Just a hunch, given the numbers: No. But I haven't done the math, so don't count on that...
Thasthil wrote:- I haven´t played MM much in cata, but with new tier bonus would it be wise to stack haste to hardcap and then mastery skip crit?
You likely can't reach the 1s hardcap, that would require rather obscene amounts of haste. As for gearing to get the 1.25s breakpoint, yes, that's likely the way to go, since reaching it with ISS up is not very hard at all.
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