Hello there, I wanted to ask why don't hunters consider using Aimed Shot Glyph when they're ArP capped (compared to Chimera Glyph)?
I started not to like Kill-Shot glyph because Chim/Aimed glyphs have more effect in-fight, where adding more burst is more important. What i have noticed is that 2sec cd less causes really minimum overlapping, it fits much better in the "rotation".
The only 2 downsides i can see over Chimera Glyph are that (1) Multi-Shot triggers normal 10sec cd, but i don't think there are many times it needs to be used over Aimed, and (2) it makes rolling SS on 2 target more difficult (not impossible though with good timing/movement since shots have travel time).
So (1) is not so much of a problem. For (2) now, there isnt any fight atm like ToC Worms for example that u have 2 targets up whole fight where maintaining the sting would make that difference. Also i dont know how much better is using Chimera on a second non-raid debuffed target instead of reapplying it for example, couldnt this be negligible by the Aimed Shot Glyph (dmg-wise)? Doesnt it offers also more burst to your current target, which is usually the one u prioritize your dmg at that moment (adds on putri, valkyrs at LK etc)?
Just for a note, www.femaledwarf.com shows a 174dps increase (for me) for using Aimed Glyph + prioritize Aimed but ofc that's for tank&spank fight. Trying to think how i would use it in raid, more or less, every fight can be "treated" as tank&spank if played correctly, right?
In case of any need this is my armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=fluflis , only fight that's left for us is LK25hc, we still got some weeks to down him hopefully :P
P.S: I am extremely sorry for the length, but i couldnt explain my thoughts in less words :P
Why not Aimed Shot Glpyh?
Why not Aimed Shot Glpyh?
- Posts: 1
Re: Why not Aimed Shot Glpyh?
- Posts: 473
Fluflis wrote:What i have noticed is that 2sec cd less causes really minimum overlapping, it fits much better in the "rotation".
I don't agree on these "I feel..." things, since this is hugely affected by how tight "rotation" you can play. Math says it isn't any better with Aimed glyph, in fact I'd call this worse:
- Code: Select all
aimed (chimera +0.0, aimed +0.0)
chimera (chimera +0.0, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +6.0)
wait 0.5
aimed (chimera +6.5, aimed +8.0)
steady (chimera +8.0, aimed +1.5)
wait 0.5
chimera (chimera +10.0, aimed +3.5)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +5.0)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +6.5)
aimed (chimera +4.5, aimed +8.0)
steady (chimera +6.0, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +7.5, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +9.0, aimed +4.5)
chimera (chimera +10.5, aimed +6.0)
wait 0.5
aimed (chimera +2.0, aimed +8.0)
steady (chimera +3.5, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +5.0, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +6.5, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +8.0, aimed +6.0)
wait 0.5
aimed (chimera +10.0, aimed +8.0)
chimera (chimera +11.5, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +6.0)
wait 0.5
aimed (chimera +8.0, aimed +8.0)
In 42.5 seconds we got:
- 6 Aimed Shots
- 4 Chimera Shots
- 16 Steady Shots
On the negative side, we had:
- 2.5sec idle time
- 2.0sec total delay on Chimera Shots
Now compare with the situation we have with Chimera glyph:
- Code: Select all
chimera (chimera +0.0, aimed +0.0)
aimed (chimera +1.5, aimed +0.0)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +6.0, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +7.5, aimed +6.0)
chimera (chimera +9.0, aimed +7.5)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +9.0)
aimed (chimera +3.0, aimed +10.5)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +6.0, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +7.5, aimed +4.5)
chimera (chimera +9.0, aimed +6.0)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +7.5)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +9.0)
aimed (chimera +4.5, aimed +10.5)
steady (chimera +6.0, aimed +1.5)
steady (chimera +7.5, aimed +3.0)
chimera (chimera +9.0, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +6.0)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +7.5)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +9.0)
aimed (chimera +6.0, aimed +10.5)
steady (chimera +7.5, aimed +1.5)
chimera (chimera +9.0, aimed +3.0)
steady (chimera +1.5, aimed +4.5)
steady (chimera +3.0, aimed +6.0)
steady (chimera +4.5, aimed +7.5)
In 42sec, we had:
- 5 Chimera Shots
- 4 Aimed Shots
- 19 Steady Shots
On the negative side, we had:
- 1.5sec total delay on Aimed Shots
I'd say the one with Chimera glyph is cleaner, even though it does (according to simulations) yield slightly lower dps in a pure standstill fight.
Right now I'm too lazy to model without IAotH proc or some other haste buff, sorry.
Fluflis wrote:The only 2 downsides i can see over Chimera Glyph are that (1) Multi-Shot triggers normal 10sec cd, but i don't think there are many times it needs to be used over Aimed, and (2) it makes rolling SS on 2 target more difficult (not impossible though with good timing/movement since shots have travel time).
Travel time does not help, in fact it makes things harder if anything. And it isn't just a problem for rolling on 2 targets, it's a problem for rolling on one target when you have to shoot something else for a short duration.
Sting duration with glyph is 21sec. Chimera cooldown is 10sec without glyph. Now consider a situtation like Saurfang where you have to shoot some adds for a short duration, but need a good burst dps on them so you kind of have to use Chimera on them too. You end up with 1sec left on sting on the main target when Chimera comes back from cooldown - in best case scenario. But note that we may need to delay Chimeras for max effect in the rotation with Aimed glyph, so you might end up with something like this:
chimera on boss (21sec left on sting)
1.5sec delayed chimera on adds (9.5sec left on sting)
chimera on boss (oops, sting dropped)
chimera on boss (21sec left on sting)
chimera on adds (11sec left on sting)
1.5sec delayed chimera on boss (oops, sting dropped)
Now in the latter case you can notice and swap the priorities around and rescue the sting, but this leads to overlap penalties until your rotation stabilizes again. In the earlier case, you would have to notice that you're going to lose the sting sometime in the future while you're actually shooting at the adds - which I don't see very likely to happen.
Fluflis wrote:For (2) now, there isnt any fight atm like ToC Worms for example that u have 2 targets up whole fight where maintaining the sting would make that difference.
See the previous point, the whole idea is that you want to roll the sting on your main target without sacrificing damage on whatever adds you might have to shoot.
Fluflis wrote:Also i dont know how much better is using Chimera on a second non-raid debuffed target instead of reapplying it for example, couldnt this be negligible by the Aimed Shot Glyph (dmg-wise)? Doesnt it offers also more burst to your current target, which is usually the one u prioritize your dmg at that moment (adds on putri, valkyrs at LK etc)?
Since any adds you're likely to shoot for short durations will most likely also not have the most important physical debuffs up, Chimera is likely to do better damage on them than Aimed.
Fluflis wrote:Just for a note, http://www.femaledwarf.com shows a 174dps increase (for me) for using Aimed Glyph + prioritize Aimed but ofc that's for tank&spank fight. Trying to think how i would use it in raid, more or less, every fight can be "treated" as tank&spank if played correctly, right?
Only fights with very little motion and randomness and no adds you have to shoot can be considered "tank and spank if played correctly".
Let's check each boss:
- pretty much tank and spank, unless you get spiked
- Aimed glyph probably better
- tank and spank, if you can ignore the adds and let others handle them
- Aimed glyph probably better (especially if you only nuke boss)
- does this free loot have to be even mentioned?
- adds, so not exactly tank and spank
- I'd take Chimera any day for add fights
- tank and spank, unless you get gassed in wrong spot
- Aimed glyph better, unless you get unlucky gas and lose sting while incapacitated
- adds you can't really ignore
- I'd prefer Kill Shot for this, actually, since you have to hold dps in first phase anyway
Blood Princes
- quite irrelevant, if you want to top meters just get Kill Shot glyph and nuke one of the 1hp mobs...
- Kill Shot if you want to top the meters and focus cast it on a 1hp mob :D
Blood Queen Lana'thel
- tank and spank
- Aimed glyph preferred
- nothing but adds all around
- does not really matter what glyphs you bring
- kind of tank and spank, but DoTs have slightly elevated value due to airphases
- neither is clearly better; I'd prefer Chimera since the timing with it is such that you can just refresh sting as air phases begin
Lich King
- lots of adds and movement
- far prefer Chimera glyph for this, so you have less risk of dropping sting on boss when switching targets
Also note that if you only consider somewhat long (as in, not our "2min kill with 30sec under heroism") fights and pure tank and spank, both TSA and Hawk glyphs show higher dps than either of Aimed/Chimera. So might also want to consider those for some fights.
Fluflis wrote:In case of any need this is my armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... cn=fluflis , only fight that's left for us is LK25hc, we still got some weeks to down him hopefully :P
Must be annoying to be so little under hitcap, one unlucky miss and your dps is totally ruined :P Maybe you could try and see if you can get hitcapped without wasting too many stat points if you used Accuracy enchant on the polearm instead?
TL;DR: Just play with whatever you're most comfortable with, since random factors and your attention in pressing the right buttons affects your dps way more than the glyph choice, anyway...
2 posts -