A question for Wakoz

A question for Wakoz

Post 08 Dec 2011 12:02

Avatar spinoza
Posts: 3
Hellow , im from spain and my english is very bad i try

Now im doing 25k dps and my gear is 384 i think that is not good , warriors in my guild do more than me , i looked many guides and i do a perfect rotation and dont know wahts going wrong
pls i need help

this is my charcater

http://eu.battle.net/wow/es/character/s ... ley/simple

A very thanks

Re: A question for Wakoz

Post 10 Dec 2011 00:09

Avatar Mushin
Posts: 6
Hi spinoza,

While I am not in the same league as Wakoz, anyone is going to need more information to provide some constructive feedback for you.

It is likely to be a rotational issue more than anything.

Re: A question for Wakoz

Post 10 Dec 2011 20:45

Avatar spinoza
Posts: 3
I no understand this "It is likely to be a rotational issue more than anything."

i guess that you say that the problem is in my rotation?

my rotation is CS BT RB HS BT SLAM

when i have a lot of rage i use inner rage

is good?

A very thanks

Re: A question for Wakoz

Post 10 Dec 2011 21:54

Avatar Fireslave
Posts: 57
Location: England
I believe that to answer this question you will have to refer to individual bosses. "I do 25k" isnt really helpful.

Do you mean on Ragnaros?
Do you mean on Ultraxtion?
Normal or heroic?

You would need to provide samples from "World of Logs".

World of logs, or www.worldoflogs.com is a website that allows your guild to record the dps/hps data from a fight as well as other statistics such as damage taken, pots used, deaths, what you die to ect. From this people can see what % of your damage is from what ability. Those logs are pretty much a must have for someone to assess someone elses performance, and with them you may be able to see what your doing wrong yourself.

Since I dont speak Spanish my assessment of your enchants and reforging is just....if it looks like the english word or not, and by using the key at the bottom. You would gain dps by enchanting your cloak with +65crit.

Re: A question for Wakoz

Post 11 Dec 2011 02:04

Avatar spinoza
Posts: 3
No entiendo ni papa de lo que me estas contando loco

Re: A question for Wakoz

Post 11 Dec 2011 05:07

Avatar Mushin
Posts: 6
Rotation for fury is not just about hitting your buttons in a pre determined order.

If your dps is lacking it is possible you are not using cd's optimally, not using CS and inner rage optimally etc.

As an above poster stated, more information is required to accurately provide constructive feedback for you: eg; fight specifics, combat logs.

You are currently in pvp gear and spec.

You have no professions, so there is immediate room for improvement there.