TG Fury + Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps

TG Fury + Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps

Post 07 Dec 2011 15:48

Avatar intrangible
Posts: 1

I have a question for Wakoz or to anyone else this applies to. I see you're using two Gurthalaks and was wondering what your opinion on using it as BiS was. I read a couple places that the weapon isn't considered BiS (but that may be due to a lack of testing so far) and that Experimental Slicer is better. I've also heard it may be better to have only one Gurthalak on MH and the Slicer for OH just for the stats.

Now I know the Gurthalak is really RNG dependent, but I was wondering if you've done enough tests to see how Gurthalak performs and if it has a chance of being BiS pre-heroic. Just wondering since I have two Gurthalaks and would rather pass the Slicer onto a guildmate if the Sword is indeed better.

Here's a link to my Armory if needed: ... iga/simple

Re: TG Fury + Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps

Post 08 Dec 2011 00:08

Avatar wakoz
Posts: 144
TG: 2x 30min tests @ dummys, 11% & 14% of overall dmg.

Arms: one 30min test with 9% overall dmg.