Prot Qs

Prot Qs

Post 03 Oct 2011 10:35

Avatar Petrucci
Posts: 1
im playing as a protection warrior and i feel that sth is missing on my reforges or tanking styles ... cci/simple
what would you suggest ?

Re: Prot Qs

Post 03 Oct 2011 14:45

User avatarZeyon
Posts: 5
In my own perspective regarding your reforging and gems you lack of mastery by quite a bit. What I tend to do is aim/reforge like this Mastery > dodge/parry > expertise > hit. depends what the stats on my current gear piece. Example lets say a grab onto a new chest, and the stats are like this x mastery, y parry what I do then is reforging parry away so I have about the same % in parry/dodge.

I always aim for the socket bonus. 40 dodge/parry gems you have you can throw away. The only gems you should have is

But I would like the hear what other prot have there mind on when reforging/gemming etc. :)

Give a hungry man a fish and feed him for a day. Tech him to fish and he won't ever be hungry.

Re: Prot Qs

Post 09 Oct 2011 22:43

Avatar Muspel
Posts: 3
Unless you're doing content that you're undergeared for, focus on mastery. 40 mastery gems in yellow sockets, parry/mastery in red sockets, and stamina/mastery in blue sockets.

Basic stat priority is mastery>dodge=parry>stamina>>>>expertise>hit.

Do everything you can to keep your dodge and parry equal, as long as it doesn't cost you any mastery.

Once you reach the block cap, put as much excess avoidance/mastery as you can into stamina while remaining block capped.