Fury warrior
Fury warrior
- Fredrik
- Posts: 4
Hi a question for wakoz verdisha should I use shannox axe and a Ruthless 2hand mace or 2x obsidium Cleavers what is best for dps as best as possible, here is my armory http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... oul/simple and weapons http://www.wowhead.com/item=71014 http://www.wowhead.com/item=70224 ?? what do you recommend me and what would you use??
Re: Fury warrior
- Fredrik
- Posts: 4
is my reforge and all that good and what rotation is best for SMF?
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... oul/simple
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... oul/simple
Re: Fury warrior
- wakoz
- Posts: 144
A: Bloodthirst -> Raging Blow (use Berserker Rage to activate if necessary) -> Bloodthirst -> Free GCD. Colossus Smash between Bloodthirsts, delaying Raging Blow if necessary. Use Slam only when you have a Bloodsurge proc during a free GCD. Heroic Strike should only be used at 90+ rage with a threat of capping and should be lined up with Colossus Smash as much as possible.
Q: What rotation should I be using for Single Minded Fury?
A: Same rotation as Titan's Grip. However, Slam is more important to SMF than Raging Blow. Prioritize accordingly.
SMF prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Haste > Mastery.
http://elitistjerks.com/f81/t110350-cat ... e_posting/
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