I got a question for Wakoz or Verdísha. So... I am wondering if I should do any changes with my reforging?
Because I see every guide says you should get 8 % hit change, but I see all the good geared warriors go with +10 % hit. Is this because of the high end raiding?
Regards, Sprutnylle
Fury question (to wakoz or Verdísha)
Re: Fury question (to wakoz or Verdísha)
- Gunthan
- Posts: 11
All the 8% hit guilds you see is before they buffed our white hit. Now its ctr>hit(past8%)
Re: Fury question (to wakoz or Verdísha)
- wakoz
- Posts: 144
"A: Get 8% Hit (including Precision), 26 Expertise. After that, TG prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Mastery > Haste."
Re: Fury question (to wakoz or Verdísha)
- Sprutnylle
- Posts: 4
Okay, that's what I thought =)
But...now my really question is, TG or SMF?
Here is my armory link, if that gives any help due my gear:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... lle/simple
But...now my really question is, TG or SMF?
Here is my armory link, if that gives any help due my gear:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... lle/simple
Re: Fury question (to wakoz or Verdísha)
- Sprutnylle
- Posts: 4
I have Zoid's Firelit Greatsword and Cho'gal's 2hand axe (both of them from normal). The thing is, I do alot less dps as TG, than 2x Elementiu-Edged Scalper (SMF).
What do you think I should do? Keep it as SMF and wait for 2x Obsidium Clever or one more 378 2hand? I could really need some good help with this problem.
Here is a link to my armory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... uze/simple
Regards, Duuze
What do you think I should do? Keep it as SMF and wait for 2x Obsidium Clever or one more 378 2hand? I could really need some good help with this problem.
Here is a link to my armory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... uze/simple
Regards, Duuze
8 posts -