Hi Guys, i am playing with warrior arms and want you to review my gear, enchant and gem. I have 570 ilvl and cant do more then 16k dps on single target. Do you can help me?
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/g ... ano/simple
- Gunthan
- Posts: 11
your hit looks good its alittle over the cap at 8.34%. Expertise is good at 26. On your earthen leg plates you should be putting in 2 bold inferno rubies. Matching the 20 haste socket bonus is not worth loosing the str you could get to match it. 26expertise>8%hit>str>Crit>mastery. Red sockets should always have 40 str in them. it looks like your a JC but you dont have any Bold Chimera's Eyes. Your also a Blacksmith which means you can put a gem slot in your bracers its doesnt give a socket bonus so you need to do that and put another +40 str in that, Same thing with your gloves. You need to also get rid of that tank ring or atlest reforge out of dodge until you cna get a better ring. Askmrrobot.com Is a very helpful sire that can help with enchantments gems and reforges. But using that site make sure you put in your stat weights. You can get those numbers from a Program called Simcraft. Simcraft also gives you alot of detailed info on your dps rotation and charts showing what should be doing what amount of dmge. its incredibly helpful. Also get your gear enchanted.
- hurushibata
- Posts: 6
Thanks for your attention!!
3 posts -