When in need of assistance - Important (READ FIRST!)

When in need of assistance - Important (READ FIRST!)

Post 13 Apr 2011 20:45

Avatar tuutti
Posts: 178
Please keep these instructions in mind when posting to Class Discussion forum to make it a happier place to everyone.

Always post in English so that everyone can take part in the conversation.

When you want to ask our members something please make sure your question isn't already answered in another topic. Please keep the discussion about specific spec in one topic and avoid making multiple threads.

When you want us to take a look at your performance provide us with your armory link as well as a wmo (etc) log from your raid. Also please take the time to get familiar with the basics of your class before asking us. There are lots of great guides out there which can get you started with the right stats on your gear, spec etc.

Please be patient when waiting for an answer - our members answer questions on their free time and don't always have the time write back immediately.

Thank you all for participating in the discussion.