Hello just a quick question about which trinket to use with my current gear setup.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Fgrngt
I have the Herkumi war token and 251 WFS but am only sitting at about 65% armor pen, if I were to get the NES which should I replace? I don't have access to DBW unless I get super lucky in a pug, and the 25 Halion trinket is out of the question I was just wondering which two I should be aiming to keep.
Obviously if I get a few more armor pen upgrades I'd be able to keep WFS and HWT and not need the NES ArP proc but until then is the attack power loss worth the NES proc?
Combat trinket question
Combat trinket question
- Posts: 1
Re: Combat trinket question
- Posts: 202
NES is crap. I'm 95% certain that wfs + hwt will be better but download the spreadsheet in my comment so you can confirm this yourself.
2 posts -