Hello i dont know why, but my dps cant come over 10-11k as assasination spec, i have tryed alot of things :s
What do you guys really think would help me up my dps? which rotation is the best and is there any usefull macros for assasination?
Here is my armory link, so you can see my gear too:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... =Zan%C3%A9
Assasination rogue questions:
Assasination rogue questions:
- Posts: 7
Re: Assasination rogue questions:
- Posts: 4
Yo im rogue combat but i can mayby help ya im not pro on mutilate specc but i think you shall skip the ap/haste gems and put ap full insteed becuse you got to low ap for a mutilate with that gear mate ;P just a tips that mayby can help ya im not proo remember that :P
Re: Assasination rogue questions:
- Posts: 202
Download the spreadsheet in my signature too see what gems you should use, didn't check the armory as it doesn't really change anything. Mutilate "rotation" is one of the easiest things to keep up, just maximize envenom uptime with 4+ combo envenoms and vanish on every cooldown for overkill, not much else there. Also, there's no such thing as "too low ap" for anything. Try adding /startattack for your mutilate and possibly vanish, can't think of much else.
Re: Assasination rogue questions:
- Posts: 2
My opinion
1 U r not hit rate cap need at least 316
2 not in expertise need at least 26
Those two make ur rogue miss a lot!! MISS=LESS DPS
Try fix it with gem or drops .
1 U r not hit rate cap need at least 316
2 not in expertise need at least 26
Those two make ur rogue miss a lot!! MISS=LESS DPS
Try fix it with gem or drops .
Re: Assasination rogue questions:
- Posts: 202
Actually with raid debuffs you only need 236 or so hit to have poisons at 100% hit rate, expertise cap is good but if expertise isn't the most valuable stat for you at that moment you probably should gem for the stat which is instead. You can't really claim that gemming hit is the best way to go by just saying that "more hit, less miss". Couldn't you say that it's better to have more than less of any stat as long as you aren't capped? :P
7 posts -