Hello ,
I am Batteries , main-spec assassination rogue , with a few questions about a few things . Here is my armory :
http://eu.wowarmory.com/search.xml?sear ... chType=all
My guild is on 11/12 hc stage , and im trying to get my performance up to 100% , but im having a hard time doing that . I check forums like ElitistJerks , mmochamp and others , im using Aldriana's spreadsheet , but every where i look i find different opinions and schematics.
Here is one of last weeks icc25 wol : http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/elkuro7iwprseb9n/
Not many on hc since we went for drake achievement .
So , here goes my questions :
1 . Should i go over 20% haste ? since from what ive read , i see ppl saying that you should not go over 20% , yer the spreadsheet , using the gear i have now , tells me to gem only haste for optimal .
2. Another thing i cant real find some good stuff on is about hit rating , should i get hit food / hit elixir instead of ap ones ? Should i replace WFS with the badge hit rating one ? or should i w8 until i get the head from blood princes and tyne abom in a jar ?
Thanks is advance .
A couple of questions for assassination
Re: A couple of questions for assassination
- Posts: 202
Haven't seen a single person say that you shouldn't go over 20% haste. Why wouldn't you want to go over that if haste still has the best ep value for mutilate after that? Mind linking me a single post which has some calculations on why you shouldn't go over 20%?
Didn't look at the links, mainly because the same rules apply for everyone. If you're crit capped, gem hit or adjust your gear some other way, if you're not at the poison hit cap, gem for it. Otherwise go with what the spreadsheet suggests. If you get tiny abom while gemmed for hit, change the gems to match the best ep values. If the sheet suggests some other item might be better than you currently have but you crit cap with the new one, try replacing some gems with hit so you won't cap anymore and compare the dps with that setup to the one you had before, simple as that.
Haven't seen a single person say that you shouldn't go over 20% haste. Why wouldn't you want to go over that if haste still has the best ep value for mutilate after that? Mind linking me a single post which has some calculations on why you shouldn't go over 20%?
Didn't look at the links, mainly because the same rules apply for everyone. If you're crit capped, gem hit or adjust your gear some other way, if you're not at the poison hit cap, gem for it. Otherwise go with what the spreadsheet suggests. If you get tiny abom while gemmed for hit, change the gems to match the best ep values. If the sheet suggests some other item might be better than you currently have but you crit cap with the new one, try replacing some gems with hit so you won't cap anymore and compare the dps with that setup to the one you had before, simple as that.
Re: A couple of questions for assassination
- Posts: 2
Tyvm for the response , ill stack haste and see the results .
As for hit /crit , im 3% under crit cap , so ill stick with WFS .
As for hit /crit , im 3% under crit cap , so ill stick with WFS .
3 posts -