Hi, first of all, gratz for the 25 HM LK kill xD. I'm sorry for my grammar but english is not my first language xD .
I have a couple of question for Maeil and the rest of you guys :) .... Let's see !
1) Marrowgar 10man Heroic. How the hell do you dps ???? :p . I can't be near a bonestorm (Well...evasion + feint but, it's dangerous). Coldflame close my path to the new spikes. I'm doing like 5k-6k dps as mut ..... T_T :( How do i move in that fight ? :p
2) Saurfang 10man heroic. My dps seems to be 1k lower than normal mode (I'm around 11k+ in normal...but 10k in heroic :S, althought my comp is heavy range favoured), i just don't undestand :(
3) How do you deal with valithria and sindragosa. Is going combat the only option i have for target switch + not stacking 31413 chilled to the bone, or i can go succesfully mutilate xD ? :p
I aprecciate your help :)
Rogue Icc 10H Dps Help!
Rogue Icc 10H Dps Help!
- Posts: 1
Re: Rogue Icc 10H Dps Help!
- Posts: 5
#2 it's mabye because you didnt use the same setup, for ex. you didnt have a frost DK for the HC run but you did in the normal run, or you didnt have a warrior or a shaman for more AP!
2 posts -