Well i read all the guides there is, noxxic ej... ive used shadowcraft.... but i still cant seem to get that great single target dps that im supposed to get and im using the daggers and i do better dps single target with the daggers. this is unbuffed on raid dummy.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... B6n/simple
Sub Help
Sub Help
- Posts: 12
Re: Sub Help
- Posts: 4
While it's possible to play sub well on a target dummy it's never going you give you the correct picture. Due to the lack of combo points you should be getting from HaT. You don't really see any huge single target dps with sub on a dummy, go into LFR, do Zon'ozz and if you're holding your rotation correctly you should be doing quite well.
2 posts -